Chapter 22

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you woke to the felt of the plane coming to a stop so you sat up and looked out the window to see that you arrived in Ireland so you smiled and when you did you heard Aidan say

"You must be really tired"

With that you threw your arms up in the air stretched them then rubbed your eyes and said

"Yea I was and I had a good sleep"

With that he stood up then held out his hand for you so you took then you guys walked to the planes door then walked outside, when you guys got outside you felt a rush of coldness  hit your skin so you rubbed your arms and when you did you felt a jumper land on your shoulders so you looked at Aidan then back at the jumper and then you said

"You will get cold"

"I was born here and I was raised here I'm use to the cold but your not and I don't want you to get cold"

With that you laughed then he took your hand in his then you walked inside to the airport so you can meet his family, when you got in the airport you heard a girl say

"Is that who I think it's is that my adorable little brother Aidan"

With that you saw him smile then he let go of your hand so you smiled then you saw him run up to his sister and pull her in a hug, as he was hugging his sited you saw that she was starring at you so you smiled then you heard her say

"And who is this"

With that Aidan pulled apart from his sister then said

"Oh yes ruby this is my girlfriend Y/N"

With that you walked up to him and when you did he wrapped his arm around you so you smiled then said

"Hi it's finally nice to meet you"

With that she smiled then you heard a boy say

"So it's true our little brother does have a girlfriend but she is really pretty as he has explained her to us"

With that you saw this guy with dark curly hair and and brown eyes that looked exactly like Aidan so you smiled and when you did he said

"Wow she is pretty Aidan she is a keeper promise me that you will keep her"

With that you all laughed then Aidan and his brother max walked up to the front to speak so ruby walked up to you and said

"He really loves you"

With that you looked at her and said

"How can you tell"

With that she let out a small laugh then said

"By the way he holds you and the way he looks at you and plus he brought you here you to meet us so yea he loves you"

With that you looked at her and said

"Can I ask you something"


"Well it's just that Aidan asked me to marry him and I love him more then anything he means so much to me but I don't know if I should say yes"

With that she place a hand on your shoulder and said

"If I was you I would follow your heart but if you really do love him say yes because believe it or not he loves you"

With that you looked at Aidan and saw that he was happy so you smiled then said

"I'll think about it"

With that you both walked over to where max Aidan are then all four of you walked over to the car put yours and Aidan's bags in the booth then got in the car and drive to his family place to meet his parents.

Imagine: meeting Aidan turner in Italy and you two falling for each otherWhere stories live. Discover now