The incident

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"Skyler!....Skyler!"my mom screamed as I staggered out of the event hall. It was sierra- my baby sisters fifth birthday party, it was a wonderful event full of family and friends ...tons of people I both knew and didn't know. I was surprised how a five year olds party would have such a turn out, anyway she was the sister of the most popular girl in school her party would rock no matter the age grade. Mom had suggested we have a section for kids my age so we won't get bored with all the children stuff. Apparently some of the boys had brought in alcohol and I had helped my self to just a little too much. It was time to cut the cake and take pictures when I  saw my dad. What on earth was he doing here... He felt he could walk in and out whenever he felt, I hated him for that. We had put ourselves in order so the picture could be taken. I had positioned myself beside mom and she had that man on her other side with his arms around her waist, I had noticed buh decided she was just being friendly, until she whispered in my ear "your dad and I are getting back together".
I screamed a "WHAT!!" And made my way out of the crowd formed around the celebrant furiously. my mom was totally messing with me. I guess the alcohol must have kicked in then because I started to see blurred images, that was when I heard my mom screaming my name...of course I totally ignored her, until I saw a little person in a tiara waving at the door of the hall. I had already crossed the road and gone to the other side, standing in front of a juice shop. I couldn't hear what she was saying due to all the wailing sounds coming from the cars passing by. Before I knew what happened she ran across and then I saw sierras face. I screamed as she got hit by a bus. I was still screaming not knowing what to do ...nobody from the party had noticed her absence yet which was really awkward and confusing. The cars had stopped when the crowd started filing out with mom screaming along with me. A tall boy with dark brown hair had run up to the scene and done what none of us could do, he lifted her up and held her. I had already called 911 out of shock and I ran beside him stroking my baby sisters hair and whispering words to her telling her to hold on. Mom and dad had come to the scene to and the we heard the ambulance. As they tied her up on the bus I went over to the boy and thanked him, saying nothing else as nothing else came out. I had sobered up by then. Then I got on the bus and looked at him till we left.

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