The interaction

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"Hey do you have anything other than cranberry juice to drink?"Jackson asks
"Well no we don't. We eat healthy here"
"Then I guess you better grab your purse, were going for a drink"
"But we aren't done with the project"
"Come on we still have like two days till its due and we've gone really far"
I get up to grab my purse, a drink does sound like a good idea.
He gets into my car and sits on the drivers seat
"What are you doing?".I ask
"Just taking you out". I stare at him blankly
"Oh come on this car is sweeeet, please let me drive it". He looked so cute begging for the driver seat. I just let him.
We were driving in silence for about five minutes then he turned to me and was staring at me. I could feel his eyes on my face
"You have a pretty face"
"Jackson are you hitting on me" I say with a smile in my voice
"Naaa....I'm just saying the truth" as he puts his hands up to surrender. The car swerves to the right
"Hey! Grab the wheel you dumbass!". I let out a chuckle, which turns into an up roaring laughter, in which he shortly joins in. We drove round looking for where to have drinks, we finally settled for slushies and sat on a park bench.
" this is so much better than cranberry juice" I moan in excitement. I look ahead and see a girl about my age running away from a dog while holding a fresbee. She was laughing hard when she ran into the arms of some boy. She looked so happy. Jackson suddenly looked in that direction to see what I was looking at.
"What do you do for fun?" He asked
"What do you mean, I cheer, I- I"
"Skylar what are your hobbies?"
"Why are you asking?"
"I just wanted to know something about you"
"Okay so I secretly love to paint"
"That's so cool..have any finished paintings yet?"
"I have some at home" I say shyly
"I have to see them sometime". About a minute of silence passed .
"Umm my mom will probably be wondering where I am now"
"Okay then, let's get you home".


Jackson's POV

I felt different with her. Its like I'm free to be myself. I know she's different from what she portrays and I need to know the real skyler. I'm lying on my bed when my thoughts are interrupted by someone slamming the door. Dad was home, I hope he's not drunk today... Oh who am I kidding. Even my image of him is a drunk.
"Jackie!...Jackie!" Dad shouted in the house
"Its Jackson dad" I reply as I go down the stairs.
"So why do you wear skirts ..." I sigh and he starts to laugh loudly
"Scott!...Scott!...Scott!...where's Scott, where's the freaking dog". He is yelling now.
"We don't have a dog dad" I reply calmly. He sits on the couch and keeps blabbering until he falls asleep. I quickly get a blanket and cover him. There's no taking him up tonight.


I ran down the stairs to get some juice. I saw a note from mom on the door of the fridge
"Sorry hunny
I've gone to the hospital, have fun today at school.
Love mom"
With my mom shuffling in between sierra and work at the hospital I rarely see her anymore. I grab my keys and leave for school. I checked the time, I was late. I was looking for my notebook allover my room then I realized I didn't take it from the kitchen. I rushed into the building, and was welcomed by the principal who gave me an after school detention. Shoot!. I walked into my biology class
"Miss whinston nice of you to join us". I walked straight to my seat. During lunch, I sat with Ethan and his guys. His arm was around me through out it was like he was possessing me or showing everyone I was his. I did what I always do, I tried to fit in.
After lunch We had gym. Ethan walked me to my locker with his arm on my waist. "See you later babe" he whispered in my ear."um I'm sorry Ethan not today. I have to complete my project....don't worry, I'll call you". I smile before he let's go of me and walks into the boys locker room. The girls appear behind me as we walk into the girls locker room they giggle and laugh at every little thing. I join in sometimes, I have to. I was done changing and I left the room immediately. Mia ran up to me and tapped me
"Ha I thought they'd never leave" she huffs
"Mee too". Then we both fall into laughter.
"Wanna hang out at my place today?"
"I wish I could, I have detention"
"What the hell! Hahaha what did you do!"
"Shut up! I came to school late "
"Why?, didn't want to wake up from your dream about Jackson?" She says in a tuned voice
"Shut up !" I say, a blush rising in my face. Just then I spot jackson, I didn't know he was in my gym class....he looked good in a vest.

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