Chapter Seven

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For the past two weeks, I'd been locked away in my room. Serendipity would come in to bring me food and to just hang when I wasn't submerging myself in cold baths. I found out that she was my brother's mate and I was so happy for her and Caleb. They'd both come to visit me sometimes and I had to stop myself from awwing at them. But they were just so cute together!

Caleb told me that Camdyn had been avoiding this side of the pack house as if it was quarantining a deadly virus. That hurts. My mate was staying far away from me because I was in heat? I crossed my arms and fell back against the couch cushions, scowling at the wall.

"Legna, you can't be mad at him. Normal mates can't hold back from mating during the female's heat. You know that the Alpha feels everything much more powerfully, so there's absolutely nothing that could stop him should he choose to come to you."

"But I miss him. How long until this damn heat backs off?"

"Should be anyday now."

I grabbed a pillow, smushing it over my face before screaming into it. Serendipity laughed at my actions so I chucked the pillow at her, frowning when my brother snatched it from the air and threw it back at me.

"Boo, you're no fun Caleb."


I stuck my tongue out at him and sighed loudly in boredom, leaning my head back. My awareness flared to life as I sensed Camdyn walking cautiously down towards my room. There was a tentative knock on the door seconds later and another wave of immense need washed over me. Jumping to my feet, I ran for the shower, locking the bathroom door behind me.

Thirty minutes later, I stepped out of the shower frustrated that I couldn't seem to calm my body down. I wrapped a towel around me and tossed my wet hair into a messy bun atop my head. Looking in the mirror, I frowned at the image of my glowing eyes that were filled with desire, no... lust. Shaking my head, I turned and threw open the bathroom door, gasping at the sight before me.

Camdyn was laying down, asleep, on the couch in just his jeans. My eyes traveled down his chiseled chest, focusing on the "V" that disappeared into his pants. I heard a low growl and my eyes snapped up to meet his gold eyes. He smirked knowingly and I blushed, but my feet carried me closer to him, needing to close the distance between us.

"Legna, babe, you have to stay away. I'm not going to mate you because I just met you and I don't want to force the bond on us. I want you to become comfortable with me before we complete the bond. Okay?"

I whined but could see the sense in his words. "Okay."

His gold eyes started to glow brightly and they raked over me from head to toe. I watched him while my wolf purred, basking in the attention he was giving us. Gripping the couch, he ripped his eyes from my body and looked away, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Please babe, go put on some clothes."

I giggled and skipped over to the closet, pulling out some undergarmets, a pair of yoga shorts and a teal tank top. Dropping the towel, I hid behind the closet door while I changed, then threw my discarded towel over the door knob and walked over to the couch, sitting down on the side opposite Camdyn.

"So..." I curled up into a ball and stared at the wall, gnawing on my lip. "What's been happening in the past two weeks, Alpha?"

"There was a rogue attack, but that was quickly taken care of. No sign of the vampires, so that's a positivity for you. You're safe, so don't fret. 'Kay darling?"

"I'll try." I looked over at him and frowned. "But you know that they won't stop until they get me. This will become a full blown war, Camdyn. And it'll be all my fault. I should surrender to them and save all of-"

"No! You won't go anywhere near them again if I can prevent it. If that means locking you inside a steel room in the basement, then so be it. I will not lose my Luna!"

He had jumped to his feet and was now towering above me, hands balled into fists and his breaths shallow and quick. His eyes blazed in anger and I met his gaze evenly, slowly getting to my feet. Narrowing my eyes, I propped my hands on my hips and stuck my chin out in defiance.

"This choice isn't going to be made on your selfishness to keep me. If my surrender can save your pack, then so be it. But you will not risk your pack just to protect me. I'm a big girl Camdyn. I can take care of myself."

"Then please explain the fact that you came back from their palace with a stab wound and how you had a broken arm. Because that isn't taking care of yourself! That's putting yourself in harm's way!"

"Yes, because it was totally my fault that Eric hid that knife on his person and that he broke my arm to "control" me when we were taken by suprise. Should we also blame me for going into a coma when I got in that car crash? Is that how you want to play this? Fine, blame me for getting hurt, but don't do it to my face. There's the door, now move your sorry ass through it."

He didn't move, so I turned and stomped over to my window. Crossing my arms, I stared down at the backyard that was full of kids running around and squealing happily. One little girl saw me and grinned, waving at me. I smiled and waved back, wishing that I could leave my room without being mauled by all the unmated wolves in the pack house.

"I'm sorry Legna. That wasn't fair for me to say-"

"Damn straight it wasn't fair!"

He growled and stalked over to me, nostrils flaring in anger. I stumbled back when I saw him make the mistake. He had inhaled deeply through his nose when he was just four feet away. His eyes glowed and a deep growl ripped its way from his chest. Backing into the wall, I stared at him as he closed the distance between us and caged me in.

"I am your Alpha! I demand respect and you will give me the repsect that I rightfully deserve!"

His lips crashed down on mine and my wolf took over, forcing me to grab onto him and press myself into his hard body. While his mouth devoured mine, his hands ran down my back to my hips and gripped them tightly, pulling me closer to him. Suddenly his lips and hands were gone and I was flying through the air, landing harshly on the bed. I looked up and saw that his wolf was in complete control. There was no "we're-gonna-wait" Camdyn anymore. Just the black-eyed wolf overpowering his body and stalking towards me.

Well, shit.

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