Chapter Fifteen

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It's been a long time since I've last uploaded a chapter. I apologize for that. I was grounded and had no available electronics to write this chapter. For a reminder about this story, you might have to reread the last chapter.

Thanks for continuing to read this story!



Slowly, I wiped the powder off of my face and glared into the room of boys. They were staring at me with panic and shuffled nervously.

"Okay, boys. Who had this bright idea?"

Ajax raised his hand slightly and I turned my glare onto him. He scratched the back of his neck and gave me a nervous smile. His hands waved to the mixer that was positioned in the middle of the counter.

"I didn't realize that would happen." He mumbled. "Sorry, Princess."

"So... You didn't realize that it was a bad idea to set the mixer on high when it only contained dry ingredients?"

"Uh.... no?"

I sighed and grabbed a- miraculously- clean towel and wiped my face clean. Then I threw it over my shoulder and fixed my hair, pulling it back into a ponytail. Hunter edged up to me and gripped onto my leg. I patted back his hair, then sighed.

"Since you all aren't the sharpest crayons in the classroom, I'm just going to tell you what to do to make this kitchen shine."


"Alright, Ajax and Castro, you two get to clean the ceiling. Go find a ladder and use damp paper towels to wipe it down. Not too much water or it will mold!"

They nodded and left, pushing each other and grumbling about doing the hardest part.

"Xavier, you wash down the countertops and cabinets. Cyan, you get the walls. Hunter and I will mop down the floors. Now get to it."

Xavier grabbed a sponge and threw another to Cyan. I grabbed a mop out of the closet and handed a bucket to Hunter. He immediately went to fill it up, then waddled back to me, dragging the bucket across the floor. I chuckled and cupped some in my hands, splashing it on his face.

"Mommy!" He gasped and splashed some water at me.

"Now we have to clean. Come on, baby. Let's get to work."

We were about halfway done with cleaning the whole room when the new guy came in. Ajax and Castro had returned a few minutes before and we're working on the ceiling. Cyan had finished with the walls and was amusing himself by throwing his sponge at Xavier's back hard enough that it bounced back to him. He stopped when the new guy came into the room. In fact, they all stopped doing their chores when he came in.

He had black hair with a bottom layer of red that seemed to peek out from under the black. Vibrant blue eyes seemed to pop out from his pale skin. There were snakebite piercings that currently had black studs in. Hunter hid behind my legs and I looked down at him just as newbie looked over at us.

"Who's that, Mommy?" He whispered. I crouched and he wrapped his tiny arms around my neck, peering over my shoulder at the guy.

"Princess, Hunter, this is Declan. Declan, this is the Princess and her son, Hunter." Castro said.

Ohh, so this is the Declan they mentioned earlier. He was their friend who was supposed to be in Norway. I wonder what he's doing back?

"Aren't you supposed to come back in three days?" Ajax asked.

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