chapter 1

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​Dan 's pov~
​I really wanted to adopt a child because Phil is always busy and the thought of children on a home sounded horrible I hadn't talked to Phil about it phil was so busy because he has to travel now alot so I don't see him very often plus kids are so cute I want a child about 10-13 because I always think the younger you are there is chance you have of getting adopted so i want a child in that age I decided to go for it and I grabbed my key phone and wallet and headed to the underground and got a train to the orphanage I then walked inside and was greeted by someone wearing a punk blouse I stood there and asked to adopt a child

tillybud pov~

I was in the middle of my youtube marathon when I was disturbed by the maid and she told me to come down I looked at her all the other brats I shared a room with went silent and stared at me I got up and went down and saw a man talking to Doris he then turned and I was almost going to scream it was Dan from danisnotonfire I was so excited
​"h-hi"i said really awkwardly he smile and said hi back just casually he bent down so i could see his brown eyes staring into mine and he just said what do i like i said internet youtube my favorite is u and Phil i love gaming i am socially awkward and shy . When i finished he looked at me and said u and i are not any different.i then noticed he was signing papers and he said go pack your things I ran up and packed my things the brats where all sat there laughing when I came in they all stopped and then they saw me pull out my bag and start packing they noticed i was getting adopted they watched in silence when o finished Rebecca the brats head jumped up and gave me a hug she hugged me for about a minute then started crying and said even though we hate each other we always had each others back then she pulled off her favorite bracelet and placed it on my wrist and started crying again I then took of my necklace it wasn't my favorite because my favorite had my mum and dad in she had one and I knew that was her favorite thing in the whole wide world so we gave each other our second favorite thing I placed it around her neck and left the room I then put my favorite necklace on it was in my pocket and now I put it on I felt safe I did already feel safe it made me feel safer.

a/n this is from my quotev so it may be bad i will put all the chapters in byeee xxx

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