The Date

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"It's a surprise," Melabee told her friends. "So, I'm not sure where he's taking me. All I know is that it's this Friday night."

"That sounds so romantic," Ellie gushed. "I can't believe you're going on a date with him! Here I was thinking you didn't like him."

"I don't," Melabee said surely. This was true. She'd always seen Xander as just Xander, the boy who didn't really talk much and who everyone was afraid of. She would admit, however, that he was nice to her but still, she felt nothing more for him.

"It just seemed rude not to say yes," Melabee said. "I mean I don't even think it's a date. It's just a friendly little outing, you know, on a Friday night, somewhere he won't tell me about oh my God it is a date. Is it a date?"

"Aw, you're adorable!" Ellie lightly poked the tip of Melabee's nose. "And apparently still sick. Better amp up your vitamin C. You wouldn't want to snot all over him when you kiss."

"Oh no!" Melabee protested in alarm. "There will absolutely be no kissing. That would mean I feel something for him, which I don't."

"Dates always end with a kiss," Max pointed out.

"It doesn't have to," Melabee said. "It won't have to."

Then, Ellie burst out laughing. "Remember Derek?" At this, the color drained from Melabee's face. Derek Milano. Melabee's first kiss.

Like most people virgin to kisses, Melabee did not know the mechanics to the intimate act. It was freshman year and she'd been with Derek Milano for approximately one week. Derek Milano, about average height, below average weight, and bursting with desire to do physical things, physical things that young, innocent Melabee did not ever want to do until after marriage.

"Just a kiss then?" Derek pleaded. "It's just lips."

"I don't know," replied Melabee avoiding his stare. She felt that it was all moving too fast. They barely saw each other at all. They shared only Biology class and lunch. They've been on approximately two dates, both of which ended in Derek's mom supervising the two rather conspicuously. Melabee forgot why she ever agreed to go out with him in the first place. Derek wasn't exactly anything like the boy she dreamed of being with. Nevertheless, she went out with him and the boy, who was actually also a no experience kisser, now wanted to remove the "no" from no experience kisser.

"C'mon, it'll be fun," he told her. "We'll stop if you don't like it."

Melabee reluctantly nodded her head and shut her eyes tight as she saw his face approach hers rather quickly. Before she knew it, she felt not his lips, but his tongue poking at her lips. She opened her eyes and screamed in his face.

"It's French!" young Derek cried out. "Just let me try again!"

"I don't want to!" Melabee shook her head fervently.

"Let me or it's over!" Derek threatened.

"It's over!" Melabee glared at him and ran away to tell Max and Ellie.

"Mel I still feel bad for you to this day," Max placed a sympathetic hand on Melabee's shoulder.

"Yeah, that Derek was something else," Ellie said. "Wonder whatever happened to him?"

"Probably still learning how to use his tongue properly," Max sniggered.

"Okay, let's not ever speak about this," Melabee told her friends. "I don't want to relive it ever again."

"Okay, so back to Xander," Ellie changed the subject. "Where do you think he'll take you?"

"I don't know. Does it matter?"

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