Beginning Authors Note

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Hey everyone, Courtney here. I've recently discovered the glorious The Seven Deadly Sins (Nanatsu no Taizai) anime on Netflix and I am head over heels in love with it. It's definitely a classic Shonen anime and I couldn't be more impressed with the dynamic characters and story line! Anyway, I've decided to turn my passion for this anime into a fanfic!

For those of you who are reading this and have absolutely no idea what The Seven Deadly Sins is, I suggest watching it before reading this. It is not necessary, because the plot of this story will still be easy to follow, but it is recommended so you'll have an understanding of each characters backgrounds.

The point of this authors note is to clear some things up about my characters/story line;

1) For those of you who actually read the story summary (and have seen the anime/ read the manga) you know that the kingdom of Danafor was supposedly destroyed by Meliodas and one of his demonic fits. Well in this story, it was destroyed by Lord Roxanu and was blamed on Meliodas.

2) My OC, Tora Neikan, is from the Demon Realm but somehow has Goddess' blood flowing in her veins. This makes her some sort of Demon/Angel hybrid creature, but takes on the appearance of a human. No one can sense what kind of creature she is, unless she tells them.

3) The story itself will be taking place 6 years after the Second Holy war of Britannia, which occurred because of the Sins' attempt to bring down the Holy Knights. (Elizabeth never existed in this timeline) The summary of this story was talking about before Ban joined the Seven Deadly Sins and drank from the fountain of Youth. The timeline goes a little something like this;

A. Ban and Tora escape Danafor. Three years later, they split up.

B. Ban goes to the fountain of youth, steals the water, becomes Immortal. The water from the Fountain of Youth alters his memory, and he has no recollection of Tora or Zhivago. Therefore, he never goes to search for either of them.

C. Ban is arrested for the destruction of the Enchanted Forest and eventually gets rescued by Meliodas.

D. Ban joins the Seven Deadly Sins and still has no recollection of his past.

[I really hope that hasn't confused anyone. Feel free to ask questions]


Happy reading! Don't forget to comment and vote. It's really appreciated and motivates me to continue the story.

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