Two; The City of Hadleigh

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Toxic Wasteland

Chapter 2

Tora's POV


The following day was a bright one. The sun shone brilliantly in the morning sky, which was painted in bright shades of oranges and reds. Although the temperature was still low, I sat on a large rock that was outside of the Boar Hat, the mysterious traveling Tavern that Meliodas owned. The blonde boy was still asleep and as for his talking pig, Hawk, he was hanging around the kitchen looking for leftover scraps. Last night, Meliodas showed me to the room I was to stay in. He tried to get me to stay in the bedroom that was located next to his, but I declined and took the attic room instead. The only plus to having the attic room was the small balcony that branched off of it. Last night after Meliodas' multiple attempts to grope and peek at me, I finally bathed properly and got a little bit of sleep. He told me he'd give me the run down of the waitressing job sometime today.

A sigh escaped my lips as I stared off into the surrounding forest. The Boar Hat was currently located on the outskirts of a small village called Hadleigh. The surrounding town was larger than most towns were, but had a lower population than an average town. My hand ran through my hair before I yawned, my thoughts wandering over to Ban. I'm not sure what it was that was drawing me to find him but it's been that way from the moment we split up. Something deep down inside me made it a life's mission to find him. The urge was so powerful it was like an addiction that had me forever searching for the perfect high, and that perfect high was Ban or at least finding him. A pang of worry sprouted in my stomach as I kept thinking about him. "Why hasn't he found me yet? Is he even looking? Is he even alive?" Another sigh left my lips. It's only been six years or so. But I guess a lot can happen in six years. The worry was quickly overtaken by another emotion— fear. If Ban still believes I'm human, he'll notice that I haven't changed a bit. No one can go six years without aging even a little. My eyes shifted from the forest to the sky as I chewed my inner lip, lost in thought.

"Ban, where are you?" I whispered to myself before a voice called out from behind me.

"I see you're an early riser." A deep, raucous voice cried out from behind me.

That voice was unlike like any I've ever heard and it definitely did not belong to Meliodas or Hawk. For a mere second I hoped that it belonged to Ban, but after I turned around I was disappointed and horrified to say the least. There in front of me was a large man, an easy 7 foot tall, with muscles that rippled like waves in the sea. He had a dark aura about him and that was a dead giveaway as to what he was-- a demon. His skin was a sickly grey and his eyes were pure black. The demon man was dressed in a full suit of armor that glimmered in the sunlight, equipped with a large sword. He stood before me; there was an insidious, sanguine expression on his face-- for he was fully assured that the sword he possessed, was in every way more savage and fiendish than my bare hands.

"Can I help you?" I stood from the rock that I sat upon, fully ready to get my ass kicked. It was evident he could destroy me, but I refuse to back down from a fight.

"Tora Neikan, daughter of Azazel, the corrupter of humans." The voice called out.

"The one and only." I sneered at the demon, watching his expression grow more and more vicious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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