One; Dragon's sin of Wrath saves the day

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Toxic Wasteland

Chapter One

Tora's POV;


The cold night's air pricked at my arms as I trudged through the forest. The moon illuminated the path I was walking on, casting the rest of the forest into eerie shadows. My short, pastel pink hair hung down around my face like a veil, altered only when a gust of wind passed by. I stared at the muddy trail as I walked, my eyes focused solely on the mud blotches that began to cover my black boots. A sigh escaped my lips as my eyes darted in front of me. There was an incredibly loud noise that was heading in my direction. The thundering noise echoed through the darkness like a bullet. Suddenly, I was engulfed by a storm of dust particles and pebbles.Almost as a reflex, my arms shielded my face from the flying debris.

When the storm had finally passed, I looked to the ground to find there was a young boy with violently blonde hair lying in a deep trail of dirt. My guess was that he was attacked and went flying. His eyes met with mine and before I knew it, the boy sprung to his feet. He was shorter than I, but only by a few inches. His electric green eyes shined with fury.

"Hey lady, if you don't wanna die I suggest you get out of the way." There was a small hint of smugness in his voice as he spoke.

I hummed in response before continuing in the same direction I was, completely ignoring the boy. My hands were tucked away safely in my front pockets as I walked.

"Hello?" That same voice called out to me before he grabbed a hold of my arm. "Did you not understand anything I just said to you?"

"Thank you for the warning. But I can handle myself." I cooed as I tugged my arm free from his grip.

"Whatever you say." The stranger dashed away as fast as he had come. I shrugged the situation off as I continued my journey in the same direction the boy dashed off to. The noise was growing louder and the mud beneath my feet grew deeper. I couldn't help but sneer at the fact that my boots were almost completely buried in the filth.

Once again, there was a sudden engulfment of dirt and pebbles, and the boy was back at my feet. Our eyes met for a moment before a grin started tugging at my lips. "Looks like you're getting your ass kicked, kid." I mumbled as I stepped over his body.

"Hey! Watch out!" The boy yelled before grabbing my leg and attempting to pull me to the ground. Unfortunately for the both of us, really, I panicked and kicked him square in the face only mere seconds before getting torpedoed backwards by a large, flying tree. Whatever or whoever that blonde-haired dweeb was fighting had retaliated and I just so happened to be in the line of fire.

As I opened my eyes, I groaned out in pain. After several minutes went by, I finally regained my vision and tried to free myself from the tangles of branches and leaves. The lower half of my body was pinned down to the ground by the tree, and I just didn't have the strength to pull myself out in one piece. The more I wiggled around, the more pain I caused myself. The grip from the tree was ripping into my hips and the rough tree bark stung my legs as I tried to pull free. As the pressure from the tree increased, rapid darts of pain shot throughout my body. Tears threatened to spill from my clenched-shut eyelids. Despite the cold weather of March, I felt sweat piling up on my face.

After struggling for a good ten minutes, I sighed in defeat and rested my head back into the mud. My entire body felt weak and frail, a feeling I'm definitely not used to feeling. I haven't been attacked in a very long time, so I guess I let my guard down. I inhaled sharply and tried not to focus on the pain, but it was hard to not focus on that when my body was literally pinned to the godforsaken ground.

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