From Another Dimension

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Sunday morning.

You opened your e/c eyes slowly to blinding sunlight and quickly covered your eyes, pulling a blanket over your face. Something felt wrong... You didn't know exactly what it was, but it was definitely something.

You shifted uncomfortably under your blankets and attempted to get back to sleep. Of course, you couldn't sleep.


You dreaded actually getting up and doing anything productive at all. The sunlight seeping through the windows didn't help. Since it was a Sunday, you decided maybe you could have a lazy day... which meant Netflix and food. All. Day.

You sat up in bed... slowly but surely. You didn't feel like getting dressed, pajamas are perfectly fine. It took about ten minutes, but you were finally out of bed and lazily making your way to your laptop which was inconveniently placed on the opposite side of the room.

Not feeling like walking back to your bed, you sat on the floor with your laptop and started it, pulling up Netflix.

Now came the decision. The ultimate decision. Sherlock, Supernatural, or Doctor Who?

After what felt like hours of deciding, you picked Doctor Who. Now it was time to choose an episode. You weren't really in a tenth Doctor mood. Maybe Nine? Nah. Or Eleven? Yes. Eleven.

You were half way through the episode "The Dalek Asylum" When your computer just shut itself off. You cursed silently to yourself and checked to see if you forgot to charge it or something.

Nope. It was plugged into the outlet. Maybe the outlet just stopped working? You plugged it into another. Nothing. Maybe it was the power... You stood up and tried the light switch. Sure enough, it wasn't working. So much for a lazy day. Now what? You looked out your window at the neighbors house. Their lights were on... so why weren't yours working?

Your train of thought was interrupted when a strong gust of wind surged through your house. There were no windows or doors open. Where the hell was it coming from? The whole house shook and the lights flickered on and off. Through all the other noises, there was one sound that stood out in particular... a familiar wheezing sound. 

But, how? He's not real... Is he?

A familiar blue box materialized in front of you as the wind stopped and all the lights went back out. You stood in complete shock... How... You couldn't even think straight.

You went to knock on the door when it swung open and your favorite bowtie-wearing Time Lord practically flew out... and landed flat on his face. You would've helped him, you wanted to, but you couldn't. You couldn't believe this was actually happening. He was right in front of you... Sure, he was kind of on the floor and all your power was gone, but hey! At least he was there.

Suddenly your common sense hit you right in the face,

"Oh crap, sorry... are you alright?" You asked, helping him up off of the floor.

"Uh, yes... I think so--" He stopped and turned back to his TARDIS.

"Oh, no... No, no no no" He said as he ran inside in panic mode, pulling levers and pressing random buttons while still repeating the word "no".

Nothing he did seemed to be working. You suddenly found yourself wandering inside the blue box. It was a lot bigger than you ever imagined it to be. You were actually inside the TARDIS. It was real.

The Doctor noticed you were there and rushed over to you, shoving you out of the TARDIS.

"You can't stay in here, the TARDIS is putting out toxic fumes!" He said and turned back yelling, "Extractor fans on!"

The Doctor closed the TARDIS doors and took a look around the room for a moment before looking back down at you.

"Hello, I'm the Doctor. What year is it?"


Hey there! Sorry about the mini hiatus... I really have no excuse, other than I'm an idiot who never stops procrastinating


Anyway, there will be a part 2 to this one and it will come tomorrow, or possibly today if I have the time. Thank you to whoever has read any of these and voted on them. Honestly, it means a lot.


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