oikawa tooru | looks

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insecurity: looks
x female


"Why can't I be pretty?!"

Like most people nowadays, you were insecure about how you looked and always tried to be with the newest trends. It just seemed so hard though, no matter what you did. People would judge you left, right and centre.

Then there were people like Oikawa, flawlessly good looking with athletic ability and a great personality, it just wasn't fair.

Whenever someone offered to do your hair for you, you'd reject since you thought you're hair was gross and ugly. Whenever someone offered to give you make up or clothing advice you'd always decline, you always thought you'd just ruin it.

"Ugh, I look so ugly."

Nobody would ever talk to you about your looks, in case you blew a fuse. One day, Oikawa came up to you; noticing how tired you looked, you didn't look like your usual angelic self is what he thought.

"(F/n)-chan, are you alright?" He asked, sitting beside you at lunch time. You sighed and picked  at your food, shaking your head slightly.

"You look so worn out, what happened to my beautiful angel?" This set you off, you pushed him away and glared hard at him.

"Well I'm sorry for not being as good looking as you'd like me to be. Sorry that I'm not your standards. Sorry I don't look as pretty as the other girls!" You yelled in his face before running off.

There was a major misunderstanding in communication there, Oikawa didn't mean to offend you but he generally wanted to make you feel better about yourself.

"Why can't I be like everyone else?

You were walking home, alone thank goodness. You needed to clear your head and didn't want to come home all upset since your parents would ask questions and you generally didn't feel like answering them. You sighed, tears silently falling down your face as you walked.

"(F/n)-chan!" You heard that familiar voice and saw Oikawa running towards you, hugging you tightly. He was meant to be at practice but the fact he made you feel so insecure that it made you cry played on his mind the whole day.

"Leave me al-"

"Let me talk please." He pleaded, running his fingers through your (h/c) locks, all the way to the ends. "(F/n), I didn't mean to cause any offence. In fact, you're one of the most beautiful girls I've laid my eyes on and don't ever let anyone say different. I'm sorry for what I said, it sounded so harsh."

He held onto you tightly as you grasped his arms and back, hugging him back just as tight. "That made me feel better, Oikawa." He smiled at this and moved your hair out of your eyes before kissing your forehead.

"You truly are the definition of beauty; with those sparkling (e/c) eyes that just make me melt and you soft and silky (h/l) (h/c)! You have an amazing figure and your face is astonishing; your lips are so dainty and your nose is cute! Your cheeks when they blush just make squeal inside! Every little thing about you is amazing and beautiful!"

You stared with widen eyes, a shaking hand made its way to your mouth in shock. You smiled and hugged him again, sniffling into his jersey. "Thank you, Tooru."

"I'm glad you feel better. Now, come back to practice with me so Iwa-chan won't hit me."

"Okay okay!"

"Yay! Then I'll walk you home."

"Hey, Oikawa. Was that a confession back there~"

no matter what people say, you are not ugly or gross! you are beautiful and amazing in your own way , you don't have to be like everyone else!
if you ever want to chat just PM me

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