This week is going to be long

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I woke up the next morning to find that Lucas was gone. But he left a not that said

Sorry I wasn't there when you got up however I did pack for you to go to the full moon ball and I need to talk to you because it is important. Don't think about it just come and find me under our secret spot.

Love Lucas

I smile sweetly at the note. For two reasons A because I don't have to pack and B because he wants to meet at our secret spot. That is the spot were we had our first kiss. I walk to my bathroom and brushed and washed my face. I put on some skinny jeans and my mahogany sweater some white converse to top it off I put my blue hair in a bun.

I walk downstairs grab a green apple and then head to the white meadow. When I make it there I see Lucas there with another girl.

They look at each other with love in their eyes and I can tell that they are mates.

"Kay this is Tia my.." He didn't finish his sentence so I did it for him.

"She is your mate I know that look and I'm happy for you." Tears threatened to spill out my eyes but I wanted him to know that I am happy for him. Even if my heart was breaking I wasn't going to let him see me cry.

I run back to the pack house. Passing everyone with tears in my eyes. I run straight to my room.

When I get to my room. I run straight to my bed and cuddle with my teddy bear that Lucas gave me and cried. Then there was a knock on my door.

"GO AWAY" I yell at the person at my door just wanting to cry in peace.

"Hell no my best friend is crying and I want in this room now let me in or I'm breaking this damn door." Malony's voice says. From be hind the door. I get up walking to the door as soon as I open it my best friend tackles me in a rib crushing hug.

I cry in her arms on the bed " he found his mate and he took her to our secret spot , then before he could say anything else I ran." I cry more into my best friend's arms.

"Awe Kay we both knew this day was comeing we just didn't think it would be so soon." She trys to calm me down and the I feel another presents in the room. I look up to see my big brother.

"What's wrong k-bear?" He uses the nick name that he gave me when I was a baby.

"Lucas found his mate and took her to my secret spot were we had our first kiss, and before he could say anything else I ran off not wanting to be hurt more than I already am." I cry in his arms.

"K-bear you knew this was going to happen sooner or later right you just have to move on and when you find your mate you will forget all about him." My big brother tries to sooth me but that makes me cry more. How could you forget about your first love?

I cry myself to sleep.


Welp guys there you go
And happy new year last day of 2015 love you guys

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