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Today was the day. The day that Ian's highschool was having their annual prom. Everyone knew that prom was always that special and amazing night. But for Ian, he wasn't excited.

His friends kept begging him to go but he always shrugged. It wasn't because he hated partying, it was because his crush, Anthony, already had someone.

Anthony was known all around the school. He was the captain of the soccer and football team and that only made Ian like him more. He had a kind heart and was nice to everyone but he mostly hung out with other popular people. And Ian was definitely not popular.

Ian wasn't 100% that Anthony had a date to prom but he heard him saying that he was going to ask someone. Since he sat next to him in math class, he could hear Anthony telling his friends.

Ian sighed and closed his locker while his friends approached him. "You better come tonight or we're gonna force you." His friend, David, said.

Ian's friends knew that he was gay and that he had a major crush on Anthony. They knew that it would hurt him to see Anthony will someone else, but they wanted Ian to join them on the special night.

"Fineeee I'll go but I'm just gonna complain the whole time." His friends smiled and started walking to class once the bell rang. Ian was pretty excited because he had math so maybe he could know who Anthony was asking for prom.

Once he walked into math class, he sat down and waited for the teacher to come. Ian's ear instantly perked when he heard Anthony's voice.

"I can't wait to ask my prom date to dance with me tonight." Anthony said dreamily to his friends. "Cmon dude, tell us who you're gonna ask." Anthony's friends whined.

Anthony chuckled and shook his head. "Nope. It's a surprise." Ian felt a little disappointed because he was anxious to know who it was going to be. 'Maybe it's going to be a cheerleader or one of the popular girls...' Ian thought during class.
It was finally the time for prom. I guess you could say that Ian was kind of excited since prom was a special night and maybe something good could happen.

He fixed his tie so it was perfect and puffed up his hair a little. He felt that he didn't look good but his mom kept assuring him that he looked amazing.

"I hope this night ends soon." Ian sighed before opening the doors to the gym. Loud music was heard and many people were dancing and talking. He looked around for his friends and that's when he spotted Anthony looking at him for a second. Ian shook it off and walked away because he knew that Anthony was never going to be into him.

"Are you guys happy that I'm here?" Ian chuckled as his friends turned to him. "Thank you for coming. This night is going to be amazing, don't worry." Ian knew that it would be good since he had his friends there. He hoped it that tonight was going to be fun.

They all walked to the snack bar and started chatting while dancing a little. Everything seemed to be going fine until the music went into a slow dance type of music. Ian's friends had some dates that they asked to dance with so Ian stood there alone.

That's when a light landed on him and he looked up. The first thing he saw was Anthony standing there with his hand out. Ian looked around just incase it was for someone else but surprisingly, it wasn't.

He slowly walked up to Anthony and took his hand. "May I have this dance Ian?" To say that Ian was shocked would be an understatement. He was fucking speechless. Never in his life would he have thought that Anthony Padilla would ask him to dance.

The slow music started playing again and everyone started dancing with their partner. Anthony put his arms around Ian's waist while Ian nervously put his arms around Anthony's neck. They slowly moved back and forth while looking into each other eyes.

"Your eyes are very beautiful and you look wonderful tonight." Ian's cheeks flushed red and he smiled a little. It was as if all his wishes were granted at once. He still couldn't what was happening.

Once the music was done, Anthony slipped a small piece of paper into Ian's hands and winked at him before walking away. 'I would love to see you more. Call me ;)' After that Anthony's number was beside it.

Ian felt like melting. All he wanted was for Anthony to notice him. And his wishes came true.

(This isn't the best one-shot but I wanted to update you with somethingggg. Also I made a new fanfic called 'Alone' if you would like to check that out :))

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