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"I can't stay on the phone for long, I think he's staying in a hotel a few blocks from here." I say in a hushed tone.
"Well can you just wait for us to get there? It'll only take a day or so. Stay in the motel across town and then we can all leave together." My friend Nikki replied in a rushed voice.
"I can't stay, he will find me. I have to leave, tonight."
"Where will you go?How much money do you have? How are we going to be able to find you if keep moving around?" She sighs, clearly irritated. "I'm not sure, I have enough and I'll call you as soon as I get to the next place and you can get me from there. I'm sorry, tell Sarah and Andrea I miss them. I'll see you soon." I say and then hang up. I love my friends dearly, but I know if I were to bring them into this mess, they'd all get hurt.

_________________________________________The picture is just how I envision the characters to look but obviously you can have them look how ever you want! :)

Sierra ♡

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