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I look around the gas station for a few things. I grab some chips, and a few bottles of water. I pay for them at the check out and head for the bathroom. I take my tooth brush and some tooth paste out of my bag to brush my teeth, considering I had to rush out of the hotel I was staying at that morning. After I finish my teeth, I walk back out of the bathroom and up to the check out. "Can you tell me what town we are in right now?" I ask the cashier with my friendliest smile, trying not to seem super weird.

The cashier gives me a weird look and says "you're in Metropolis, Illinois." 'So much for trying not to seem weird' I think. "Can you tell me what cities are around here?" I say as politely as possible. "Well you have St. Louis to the west of us, Louisville to the East and Chicago up north." He replies, standing up to restock the candy. "Okay, and how far are each of those?" I ask. "What are you? Some sort of teenage gypsy? Searchin for adventure?" he ask with a light hearted tone. I smile at him slightly, "Something like that." I reply. "Well, St. Louis is about two hours out. Louisville is three hours, and Chicago is around five, I believe." He says "Shit, we're overstocked. Hey, do you like Reese's? " He asks me. "Yeah, they're my favorite!" I say enthusiastically. "Well, here, take these, on the house." He replies with a grin, handing me three boxes of regular sized Reese's cups. "I can't take all of these. Here, let me pay for them." I sat reaching into my book bag for the small amount of cash I had left. "No, Seriously! Think of it as a... teenage gypsy discount." He says with a large grin. "Thank you so much sir, but won't you get in trouble with your boss?" I say almost dumbfounded. "Can't get in trouble with the boss if you are the boss." He says, light lý laughing. I give him a huge grin and thank him once again. "Well anything else you need before you go?" He ask. "Actually, I was hoping you could tell me about any trains to Chicago from here?" I respond. He looks at the ceiling for a moment before responding, "Actually, I believe there is one that leaves in about an hour." He says. "But it's a more expensive ride since you're going that far north. "Do you know about how much it would cost?" I ask nervously. "Around $100" he replies. If I get on this train, I won't be able to afford a hotel for the night. "Okay, can you point me in the direction of the train station?" I ask again. "Well its about a ten to fifteen minute walk from here." He replies. "Oh that's not far. Well, thank you so much sir, have a good rest of your evening!" I say with a wave as I exit the gas station. "Goodluck with your gypsy endeavors!" He says with with a laugh, waving me off.

As soon as I walk out of the gas station, I pull out my black goodie and pull it over my head, I should probably find a Goodwill or one of those free clothes stores for something that aren't as warm. I think as I look down at my blue jeans and boots. It's almost summer, but I couldn't take much with me when I left.

"Where the hell do you think you are going, Mya?" Keaton spits at me as I hurriedly grab a book bag and anything I think I will need. "I'm leaving Keaton! I can't handle you anymore! I was stupid enough to take a year off from school to be with you!" I say as I try to rush out the door. Keaton grabs me by the collar of my shirt and throws me at wall. "You're leaving when I get tired of you, bitch!" He says trying to take the bag away from me. "Keaton let me go!" I say as I throw a beer can that was laying by my feet at him. It hits him in the face and he groans. The can was crushed and a piece that was sticking out cut his cheek. "What the fuck!" He says, grabbing his cheek. As soon as he did that, I ran. I ran out the door and down the street, going as fast as I could. A bus was supposed to be leaving in about five minutes. I ran to the bus stop as quickly as possible, hearing his feet not too far behind me. I saw the bus and sprinted. As I got up to the bus door, I literally jumped in. An older lady with white hair gave me a worried look. "Drive, please!" I yelled. She looked behind me at Keaton, who was getting closer to the doors. Something clicked and she closed the door, just before he got to it. He started pounding on the door as she zoomed away. "Thank you so much" I say with a sigh of relief. "No need to thank me, child. Just go take your seat." She replied. I went to go sit down, and everyone on the bus was staring at me. As I walked to to the back, I heard a little girl whisper, "What happened to her, Momma?" Her mom shushed her and said "I think that man was trying to hurt her. She was being brave." I sat at the far back of the bus, letting a few silent tears slip down my face as I looked out the window.

I shook the memory out of my head and continued walking. It had been almost a two months since that day, and Keaton had always manage to find me. I had shifted between states, ending up here. I was low on money, but Nikki and my other friends, Andrea and Sarah were coming to pick me up, and we were going to go far away. As I get to to the train station, I pull out the money, I will have about $30 dollars left after this ticket. That will be enough to get more hygiene products like deodorant and some food, for once I get to Chicago. I get up to the ticket booth and see a small girl with a a blond pixie cut. "What can I do for you?" She asks in a high pitched voice. "Um, I just need a ticket to Chicago." She types something into the computer and then looks up at me, "Okay, that'll be $80 dollars." She says handing me the ticket. That's cheaper than expected. I hand her the cash and mumble a small 'thank you' and walk away. The time on the ticket says 6:45 and it's 6:30 right now. I sit on the bench and pull out a Reese's. I eat the chocolate candy and look around until it's time to get the train. I find the train platform I'm supposed to be going to and board the train. I find a seat next to the window and lay my head against it, I quickly start to doze off, but a man taps my shoulder and ask for my ticket. I hand it to him and go back to my previous position, sleep soon taking over me.

1,251 words already! Lol. I am so excited to get this fanfiction going. I hope you are all as excited as I am!


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