Chapter 6 - Bella Comes Home

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Few days had passed and I knew what today was! It was the day that Edward bought Bella home! I was dancing round the house all night because I was excited that Bella was coming to my house.

'Can we make Bella popcorn?' I asked Esme. Esme gave me a look.

'Acually, no... dont worry, she wont want any food' I disagreed with myself.

'We were going to cook her some italiano, actually Amy' Esme told told me, getting out some food she had bought a few days ago, when we found out Edward was bringing Bella home. There was a small silence, when I finally talked to Esme, about a big issue I had on my shoulders.

'Esme, I need to talk to you' I said, breaking the silence and putting emphasise on the 'need'.

'What is it, sweetie?' she asked. I spilled out everything.

'Well, I asked Alice and she said I have been here for ten years. Which I havent. I been here only over a week, maybe a month? And my name is Lillian, Lillian Bloom, not Amy Cullen. I havent been with you for ten years. In my human life, there were these book, the Twilight Saga, which told a story of romance and tourtured love between Bella, Edward and a love triangle, with them and Jacob Black, the werewolf. Somehow, they know I havent been here for ten years, but you all have memories of me being here for those ten years, and although there are no photos, you, in your minds, know damn well that you think I was here. And now I dont know what to do and its all so confusing! And I love you guys and I know what happens and I dont want it to happen cause you guys are the best thing I've ever had!' I cried out with tears.

'Oh, honey' Esme soothed, and wrapped me in a hug. I cried into her.

'How did you die? In your life, not ours' she asked. I sniffed.

'I c-c-commited suicide' I I sobbed out.

'Oh my god' Esme whispered and pulled me tighter to her.

'My mother was abusive, a drunk and would go out with other men, while my dad drank his nights away and hit me all the time. I didnt know what to do, so I started cutting, and sank into depression and then I cut and self-harmed everyday. I threw myself at walls, punishing myself for all the bad things I had done. Hurting my best friends feelings, one wall throw. My fault that my mums abusive, another wall throw. My fault my mum is and alcoholic, another wall throw-' I got cut off by Esmes voice.

'Stop. Stop, Amy. Just stop. That was your past life. You arent there anymore, your here, with me. With us.

'Now, I dont know why your mother was abusive, but its not your fault, and its not your fault about your dad either. But, I want you to know that, that is all the past now, we are here. Here and now, so lets not let that bring you down. Youre a wonderful girl, and a beautiful young woman. Never think different.

'As for the fact that we remember you for ten years, I dont know. You'll have to ask Jacob and this pack, as theres nothing you can do about that' Esme cut in. I smiled weakly, tears still falling.

'Thank you Esme' I smiled. She smiled back.

'Now, in your past life, did you like to cook?' she asked, with a laughing smile.

'Ahh! Emmet stop!' I squealed as Emmet threw flour in my hair.

'Never' he laughed and threw more of the white stuff at me. I looked up.

'EDWARDS BACK!!!' I ran to the front door and opened it for them.

'Hello Bella' I greeted sneakily, as if I was teasing my bigger brother about having a girlfriend... which I was.

'Um, hi' she greeted, awkwardly. Dear lord, this girl really was awkward.

'I'm Amy' I grinned and hugged her.

'Yeah, I... I know' she nodded. I ran upstairs and whispered to Emmet.

'Okay, they will come up here, so you can meet her, then she and Edward will go to his room and dance' I whipsered in his ear, I didnt need to, but it was so Bella didnt hear me, in case I got my timings wrong.

I was telling Emmet as we had a big suprise for Edward when he got to his room. I heard Edward coming up he stairs and came into the doorway with his arm over Bellas shoulder.

'Guys, this is Bella' Edward introduced us.

'Ahh Bella' Esme smiled.

'We're making Italiano. I hope you like it' Esme once again smiled.

'Uh, yeah, smells great' she said, running a hand through her hair.

'Gives us an exscuse to use the kitchen' Carlisle added as he walked into the Kitchen.

'Y-yeah' Bella smiled sweetly.

'She just ate' Edward sighed. Then out of no where, some glass broke, we all looked around. Rosalie had crushed a bowl of salad between her hands, and, oh boy, did she look furious.

'See? This was all a waste. If this ends badly, our secret could get out' she hissed sharply.

'Yeah. E-ending badly as in, me b-becoming the meal' Bella said shakily... what the hell is wrong with this girl? Everyone around me started laughing... well... apart from Rosalie.

'Hi Bella' said a voice sweetly from the window. It was Alice.

'Um, hi Alice' Bella said.

'I think we're oing to get along great. Oh, and this is Jasper' he introduced.

'Go on Jasper, you wont hurt her' she encouraged.

'Hi Bella' he spoke stiffly.

'Jasper is the newest of our family, he's having a hard time adjusting to our lifestyle' Carlisle added quickly, so Bella was clued up. Pshh. Jasper is the newest? He wishes. I looked over at Edward and saw he had a confused look on his face, as he was reading my mind. I mentally shouted at him.


I saw Edward lift a hand to his head, trying to get the ringing out his ears. I smiled, satisfied that what I just did would keep him out my head for a little while.

'I'm going to take Bella on a tour of the house' edward told us. I smiled at Emmet, who grinned back.

'Okay, we'll see you later Bella' Esme smiled, lovingly.

'Rosalie, clean this mess up now' Esme directed.

Me and Emmet snuck off quietly behind Edward and Bella. They were going up the stair case, and pass all the graduation caps.

'Are they.. graduation caps?' Bella asked.

'Yeah. Its Carlisles little joke' Edward smiled. They carried on walking to Edwards room.

'Wow.. I didnt expect it to be so... purple' she almost-whispered.

'Ye- Wait... what?' Edward took a long look into his room.

'WHAT THE HELL?' he shouted. Me and Emmet ran to look into his room. We had redecorated it so it was purple and covered in Justin Beiber photos.

'Woah, Edward... I knew you were hiding something, but I never thought it would be this!' I fake exclaimed.

'Haha. Change. It. Back. Now.' Edward commanded me. I tried, but me and Emmet were rolling on the floor laughing with tears in our eyes, not being able to catch our breath.

'O-o-o-oka..' I managed to get out, after about five mintes of howling with laughter. I used the power of vision change to change back Edwards room.

'Thank you' he told me sarcasticaly.

'You're welcome' I smiled.

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