Chapter 13 - I'm Sorry, Jacob.

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  • Dedicated to To All My Lovely Readers!


I dedicate it to all you lovely people who take time out of your day to read my story, comment and vote :) I LOVE YOU!!

I'm going to start writing a second book, of FV,WAM? But it wont be up for a while as I have to write a few chapters before i can upload :)

Enjoy :)

There will probably be another chapter from Jacob or Edwards PoV, but idk yet, but there probably might be a prologe xD

I cant believe I'm doing this, I thought to myself.

We had arrived at Italy last night and I had gotten myself ready for today.


Cause today I visit the Volturi.

Thats why.

I was talking to myself, saying that it was a good idea to do this. I can find out how I became Amy, I can find out how I can go back to my old life, I can live a normal life!

Then a thought struck me.

Do I want to go back to my normal life? I sure as hell didnt like my parents, I like actually meetign Jacob in the fleash, I had fun at Forks High, so do I really want this?

Yes. I do. I do, I do, I do. No turning back now, I'm in Italy, about 30 seconds away from the place where the Volturi live.

Just think, I told myself.

Soon, I can find out eberything I need and want t know about myself, maybe I can find out stuff I didnt know.

But, if I stayed a vampire, I could forfill all the things on my wish list:

I wouldnt be able to meet any of bands, because I could my Vampire powers to manipulate all the crew people so I could get in.

I would be able to have the huge wardrobe I have now.

I would forever be with Jacob.

I felt the car jerk to a halt. I looked up and saw we were at the Volturi.. head quarters, if thats what you want to call it.

'Dont wait for me, Alice. I can handle this on my own' I said as I climbed out the car. I heard her say something that sounded like 'Stay Safe' and I walked off towards the big doors that lead to the Volturi.

I walked in and the secretery smiled at me. She obviously knew I was a Vampire and told me to go stright through.

I walked down to corridoor and into a big room, filled with a few Vampires.

'Ahh, Amy. So nice of you to join us' one of them smiled (his name was Arro).

'As for what can be said here...' I spoke. I heard my voice echo round the room and the Vampires looked at me in intrest. I opened my mouth to speak.

'Enough of this. I can here to-' I gt cut off.

'You came to find out why you are a vampire. I know' he spoke calmly.

'Well, then... Tell me' I told him, thought it sounded more like a question.

'I cant, thats classified information' he told me, and my face fell.

'But there is one way you can find out...' he mused. I nodded.

'Which is?' I asked, a slight idea of what he would say.

'Join us. Become on of us. You can help us lead the vampires here, while learning about who you are, who you were, how you got here' he told me, almost beggin for me to join. I stood there for a second, thinking.

'I dont see why you just cant tell me. It would be so much easier' I threatened. I knew I was bluffing, so did he.

'Jane' he commanded.

The next thing I knew, I was on the floor, squirming with pain. My head felt like it was going to explode, and my arms and legs felt like they were being torn off my body.

'If you join, you will never have to experience pain again. You can find out how you became a vampire. You can have more power then you ever imagined. You can be you' Arro to me.

I looked up at him with tears falling don my face.

'Why would I want to work with you, you disgusting animal' I spat. As soon as the words left my mouth, I doubled over yet again. I was in more pain then ever.

'Oh, you will join. Eventually' he spoke.

No one said anything for ages, all that was to be heard was my screaming. Arro may have stopped talking, but Jane didnt stop the pain.

'Fine! I'll join' I screamed.

Jane stopped.

'Pardon, Amy?' asked Arro. I shot him a death glare.

'You heard' I shot back. I couldnt believe I was doing this.

'Well... we must celebrate! Tell the secretary to find some people of high power and rich blood. Tonight, we celebrate!' he exclaimed.

Out of no where, I was picked up off the ground and taken towards another part of the building.

I couldnt believe what I was doing. I thought of all the sacrafices I was making.

Bella, Edward, Esme, Carlisle... everyone.

But my biggest sacrfice? Jacob.

I kept thinking all the way to my destination. Why? Couldnt it have been someone else?


I had one last chance to say something before I joined the Volturi.

One chance.

I said something inportant.

Something that mattered to me.

'I'm sorry Jacob'

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