Chapter 12 - Skipping School For A Werewolf

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I hope you enjoy!! I worked hard and took me forever to write xD I know it doesn't seem much, but it took me ages D:

'We're here' Alice said and snapped me out of my day dream. We had arrived at the nearest airport to Forks.

I unclicked my seat belt and got out the car. Alice was already getting the suitcases out of the car boot.

We walked in a stoney silence to the check in. Turns in, when you have the Alice express, you dont need passports. Just hypnotise them and buy the tickets from the ticket desk.

I couldnt help but have another flash back on the plane, while waiting for take off.

'Hey Amy' Jacob called.

'Jake? What are you doing here?' I asked shocked.

We were at Forks High School, I was listening to We Are The In Crowd waiting for the morning bell to ring when I got a tap on the shoulder.

'Came to see you' he smiled and I laughed.

'What about school on the reservation? Shouldnt you be there?' I asked, suspisious as I didnt want him to be skipping.

'Doesn't start till later' he shrugged. I took his word for it.

'So, whats up?' I asked, trying to make a conversation.

'Tag' he smiled and ran off. I stood there, surprised at what just happened.

'Hey!' I called, dropping my bag.

'You got a head start' I called and ran off after him.

We ran off into the forrest together, with all the students of Forks High starring at us as we ran.

I almost catched up with Jacob for a second.

'I.. Nearly...' I spoke to myself. I reched out and streched my arm as far as I could, then out of no where I tripped over a tree root.

'Ah s*&%£' I cried and slammed into the floor. I called out Jacobs name.

'Jake? Jake? Where are you' I called, I tried to sit up, but my back ached and I was coughing a lot from where I slamed onto the damp, foggy forest floor.

I sat around for a while an he didnt come back, so I crawled to a tree trunk and closed my eyes.

Why me? I'm such a clutz, I mean, I trip over and almost snap my back in two, I get scared by a wolf on my first day... then a tought stuck me.

Why was I taken to La Push? Surely Vampires cant go there? Cause that would be breaking some treaty thing, wouldnt it?

I tried to think back to what I had read in Twiligt in my past life, but I couldn't think of anything.

'Amy? What are you doing?' asked a voice. I opened one eyes and saw Jacob staring at me, I closed my eye again.

'I'm thinking' I stated.

'Oh no...' he joked and I playfully hit his arm and we laughed. I heard a rustling and felt Jacob sit down next to me.

I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder.

'I never want this to end' I whispered. I was having fun and I never wanted to go back. Back to a place where Twilight existed only in books and films, where one day I would die, where one day... I would grow older and live...

'What do you mean?'Jacob asked me, slightly confused at to what I meant.

'I'll explain later' I told him, and we sat there all afternoon till evening.


It didnt take long to get to Italy, but we did have a connecting flight. We had to stop and England for a few hours because of possible faults with out plane that meant it wasnt safe to go allthe way to Italy.

'What happened, Alice?' I asked.

'What do you mean?' she asked, with little emotion.

'I mean what happened to everything. To me, to you, to Jacob, to life?' I asked, feeling frustrated and sad at the same time.

Alice sat down on the bench next to me and put her hands on here knees.

'I dont know what you're talking about Amy, but a lot has happened for you I guess. I can't even imagine-' I stopped her.

'No, you just can't remember you past life, or all you know, you could have been someone who was the queen of England!!' I shouted. I was attraching some attention from a few onlookers.

I shut my mouth and sat down and waited for the flight to Italy.

I'm not entierly happy with this /: but I didnt want to keep writing cause it might turn out too long :') so keep your yes to the skies, as there might be a part 2 :)

Enjoy :3

 - Kira

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