My Story

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I was always that one kid who was never the brightest. And I felt like people always had to point that out. It would make me feel sad.

I was first bullied in elementary, in the 3rd and 4th grade. People would call dumb, ugly, fat, stupid, and sense I was never the smartest at math people would always make fun of for it. They be sarcastic with me when I get a problem right. I tried to stand up for my self but I just got tongue-tied. Their were these group of guys who would make the most fun out of me. But the weird thing now is that some of my bullies are my friends. But anyways I would usually cry every time I got home from school because it was to much for a 9 year old.

The bullying continued in the seventh grade. Sense I'm not richest I a couldn't afford new cloths so sometimes people would make fun of me for it. Math was a huge struggle for me and again people would make fun of me for it. I would always feel like people would and I thought I heard people whisper about me behind my back. Their were voices in my head that my me feel trapped and confused it made think that everything and everyone was talking about me. I couldn't stand it. When I got sad, mad, or depressed I would right down my feelings on little notes. One day I was having a bad day. I felt like the voices in my head were chanting mean thoughts. And in the cafeteria I had to much of it I just broke down crying. My friend was hugging me senseless and asking what was wrong. And I told her I was okay when really I wasn't.

The rest of the school year was fine sense I had my best friends Emilee, Kat, Kristen, Mackenzie, Zoe and Hannah A/N sorry Henna if I spelled your name wrong

Now in the 8th grade I still get bullied not as much as I used to. But in band there is this one kid that gets to me sometimes. He would point out my flaws and tell I suck, that I'm a slut, bitch, ugly, can't doing do anything, ect.... Sometimes he gets to me. but I usually just block him out.

A/N So that's my story so far..................................................................................................


























A/N that's just really fun to do

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