People These Days

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It makes me so mad when people say they aren't bullying a person when clearly they are.

Can someone please tell me why people are rude and rude little mother truckers.

People need to learn that not everybody is perfect. Sometimes people are slow and need more time to get things or some people are fast at learning things.

There is this one prick in my band class that gets me so mad and sad sometimes. You wanna what he said to me today. Well in a email my band teacher sent out to us that today we are practicing and are filling in notes. But anyways the prick * cough, cough, Michael * ask why I wasn't playing in a very sarcastic and in a very making fun me voice. I told him to stop talking to me, and bugging me. but no through out band class he had to keep pestering me and I just got tired of all his bullshit and told him to leave me the frick alone. And you wanna know what he said, well he ask me "Why are you so mad" and I'm over here like boy really, why you asking me that.

So yeah that happened. Eventually he stop but yeah.

I know I said I usually ignore him but I am still human I still got feelings. But this feelings that I felt went the sad kind.... it was the I wanna punch you so hard right now and slap that smirk right off your face feeling.

A/N: hoped you like my rants. Oh and I'm sorry I haven't been updating but anyways hope you have a really nice day.


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