Dani Goes to Amity

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It's been a few months since Danny has seen Dani. He was starting to get a little worried about her. He'd been thinking about trying to go and find her, but he didn't know where to look.
He was walking home from school when he heard a cry of pain. His first reaction was to jump into the alley and change into Phantom to see what was going on, but he was only a block away from his house so he ran as fast as he could to drop off his backpack. He opened the door threw his backpack on the couch and left. He ran for a while and finally found an alley way that he could hide in. He let the rings wash over him and change him into Phantom. He could still hear the cries of pain which made him fly even faster. Then he heard the one word that could possibly make him snap.
He heard the pained cry form the word, "Daddy!!" Danny almost fell out of the sky when he heard Dani's voice call him that. Then, shock turned to anger when he saw his mom (Maddie Fenton) and the GIW surrounding Dani. He suddenly felt something that he hadn't ever felt before. Pure FURY coursed through his veins as he let out an inhuman roar that would send Skulker running for the hills. There was no way in hell that he was going to let this slide.

Dani was flying to Amity to see her cousin Danny. After he saved her she wanted to make sure that he knew she was okay. Unfortunately, she caught the attention of the GIW and they followed her to Amity. Then, she caught the eye of the Fenton's as she entered town. Scared and exhausted, she shot weak ectoblasts and sluggishly dodged shots from the hunter's weapons. Dani was losing focus and altitude as the hunters wore her out. Then she felt a net wrap around her and she fell to the ground with a thud. Tears started to roll as she begged for her after life. Dani screamed in pain when Maddie pressed a button that sent a powerful electric shock through her. The ghost girl felt like she was burning from the inside out. She decided that she needed to call for Danny, but the word she called out wasn't help. The word wasn't Danny, it wasn't Phantom, no the word she said surprised even her.
She yelled, "DADDY!!" at the top of her lungs and continued to cry out in pain as the shock intensified. Then, she heard a loud roar of pure FURY and she saw a black and white blur slam into the park's ground. The figure was between her and the hunters.

When the dust settled they were shocked to see the infamous Danny Phantom crouched on the ground. He lifted his head to look at them, and oh god they wished he hadn't. A ring of fire formed around the hunters and the two Phantoms. The fire wasn't the green that they had expected, but there was no time to worry about that now. He stared at them with an intensity that they all coward in fear while under it. His eyes glowed brightly as he stood up rage and fury written all over his face and body language.
"How. Dare. You. Hurt. Her." he said slowly, venom and disgust dripping off of every word. The hunters flinched back a little because they had heard a lot of emotion from him, but this one was a first. They had seen him get, angry, sad, timid, scared, but this... This wasn't just anger. This was something pure it was... It was fury at it's purest and that scared the hunters to death. The hunters started shooting at Phantom and he simply put up a shield. He shot ectoblasts through the shield, but used just enough energy to knock the agents out for a good hour or two. Then he turned to Maddie.

She was clutching her ecto-weapon like her life depended on it. She was ready to fire it at Phantom, but then out of no where the end of the gun was cut off. Phantom continued to get closer until he was inches away from her face. She could feel his ice cold breath run across her face.
"I don't usually cuss." he began. "But I'm only going to say this once. Stay the fuck away from my daughter or there will be hell to pay." he said nothing short of a snarl. He backed away and headed toward the younger Phantom that was caught in the net. He carefully removed the net when it was gone the girl looked up at Phantom and smiled.
"Daddy, you came."
Phantom smiled back and said, "Of course I came, you are my daughter." She giggled and slowly fell asleep in cradled in Phantom's arms. He flew away with the young Phantom in his arms and the ring of fire slowly disappeared.

Maddie was left to ponder Phantom's reaction and how much emotion he displayed. Ghosts can't feel emotion. Ghosts also can't reproduce, it's completely impossible. Although this little outburst could prove that he's nothing but an evil ghost. That last thought brought a smile to her face. She picked up the remains of her gun and went home to examine it in the lab. She gasped when she saw that the end of the gun was sliced clean off, and it was in three pieces. Then, out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw something just beyond the trees. The GIW agents were still out cold, so she couldn't ask for help. She decided that running would be the best course of action, so she grabbed the broken gun and ran.

She kept thinking about Phantom and the thing in the woods. What did I see? She thought to herself. Then, her attention shifted to Phantom. How could he have a daughter? It's not possible, ghosts don't have the ability to reproduce. Ghosts don't even have emotions, that must've been an act or a trick. Then, she thought, but it looked so real. Why would a ghost put up such a great act when it knew no one was going to believe it? I might not have an answer to those questions, but now I know that Phantom is evil. She smiled again at the thought of proving that the so called hero was really faking it. Then, another thought came out of no where. You attacked his daughter. If you were in the same situation you would've done something similar. Maddie blinked a few times at that one. She shook her head to clear her thoughts and rubbed her temples. She knew that only two questions remained, is Danny Phantom really evil and what did I see in the woods?

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