Chapter 3

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I'm sorry I broke my promise. 😢😭

Fire groggily opened her eyes and found Danny and Dani still sound asleep. She sighed and curled around them a little tighter, causing Danny to stir.
"Fire?" He questioned quietly. She hummed in response and kissed Dani's head.
"Yeah Danny?"
He looked a little uncomfortable, "I think you should change back just in case mom comes in."
Fire cracked a silver eyes open and groaned as she started changing back.
"Good?" Her eyes were still silver, but she was in human form now. She was now Xena Loki. The bleach blonde that always wore a black T-shirt, faded blue jeans, and grey shoes.
Danny yawned and stretched as he got up, "Good." The wolf girl sat up and scratched her head before pulling the still sleeping girl in her arms.
Fire hummed softly when Dani started to move, gently carding a hand through her raven black hair.
"She's so cute." Danny chuckled at the look of adoration on his friends face.
Unfortunately, the mood was ruined by Sam and Tucker slamming the door open, startling everyone.
Fire had quickly put Dani on the bed and changed back, standing in between Danny's friends and Dani.
Danny had changed into Phantom and Dani was gripping Fire's jacket because she had no idea what was going on.
"Daddy?" She asked, still a little groggy.
"Mom?" Fire was so startled that her flame went out and all jaws dropped to the floor.
"Yes?" The wolf asked in a tight voice. Dani blinked a few times and when she regained her focus she blushed and let go of Fire's jacket.
"S-sorry Fire."
The wolf hybrid cleared her throat and lit her flame again, "It's, it's fine Dani." She sat down while Dani got up and hugged Danny.
Finally, Sam found her voice, "What the hell was that on the news Danny!?" She yelled, then turned to Fire.
"Why is she calling you mom!?"
Fire's eyes flashed red, "I didn't exactly see you come running here after she was almost killed." Sam's face turned red in anger.
"If anyone is mother material here it's me!" Sam yelled.
Fire growled and took a deep breath to try and calm down. Don't scare Dani.
"You were never a mother." At that statement everyone fell silent. She walked over to Dani and gave her a hug.
"Wait, Fire, you were a mom?" Tucker asked in alarm.
The wolf hybrid snorted as she handed Dani over to Danny after picking the girl up, "Yes, I was. I can happily say that my cubs are still alive even now."
Sam growled and stormed out.of the room in a jealous rage while Tucker just smiled a bit. Never would've guessed.
He looked at her with a small smile, "You can all me Daddy if you want Dani."
The girl smiled before jumping into her father's arms.
Fire smiled before a thought came to her, "Hey Danny?"
He hummed and looked at her.
"You ever wonder why she turned out to be a girl?"
Danny paused at that, "Yeah, why?"
She gulped, "You let me use your hair brush to brush my fur sometimes." A second later Danny's eyes widened.
"You don't think..." She nodded.
Tucker walked up and put a hand on his best friend's shoulder, "Dude..."
Fire rolled her eyes, "I'm not that bad and Dani's a sweet heart."
Tucker furrowed his brow, "Wait, if she's your daughter then why doesn't she have any of your traits too?"
"She does. She has a silver tint to her eyes and I can feel that she has weak fire powers."
Suddenly, there was a crash down stairs.
"Agent O, check up stairs. Project Wolf is here somewhere."

AN. Okay, I'm really sorry that I haven't updated, but stuff has been going on and I got busy. Again, I'm sorry for not updating sooner, but I didn't realize that my little side project would get such attention. That's a wrap!

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