Chapter 1

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Belle woke up in her snow white bed. Her softly coloured room was such a contrast to the rest of the house, which seemed to replica Hell. Appropriate, seeing as it housed a Devil.

"SNOWFLAKE! YOU HAVE TEN MINUTES TO GET READY AND GET DOWN HERE!" Bill hollered. Belle smiled. At least her brother called her a nickname she liked.

Streching, Belle floated to the bathroom. She was virtually the only demon ever who needed the same needs as humans.

After brushing her teeth and having a quick shower to wake herself up, she was in front of her closet.

Belle pulled on a pristine teal shirt and a white skirt trimmed with baby blue snowflakes, a touch she added in her free time.

The young demon raced down the stairs and halted in front of her brother's human form. The blond had a black eyepatch over his left eye, wearing a yellow shirt and black jeans, a black top hat and bow tie finishing the look. A strict expression was on his face.

"Your 4.5286 seconds late." Bill stated, leaning on his black cane.

"B...but I was as quick as I c..could!" Belle stuttered, her soft blue hair covering her face, Belle staring at it's white tips.

"Well it WASN'T QUICK ENOUGH!" Bill shouted, his visible iris flickering from gold to red.

"I....I'm sorry...." Belle whispered, sensing that something in Bill's plan  wasn't working. He usually wasn't this mad.

"I can read your thoughts, Belle." Bill said, calming down. "I have a little mission for you."

Belle gulped, pulling strands of hair out of her eyes. "Y..yes?"

"Seeing as your the only one out of the both of us who can go to Earth, I want you to spy on Pine Tree and Shooting Star." Bill explained, a thin smile tugging at his lips.

"B...but Bill! You always spy on them anyway!" Belle protested.

"I have better things to do than watch two silly mortals do whatever. You, on the other hand..."

Belle sighed, snapping her fingers as she teleported to Gravity Falls.

Remeber, alert me if you slip up like you always do.

Belle groaned, hearing her brother in her mind.

Yes, Bill.

The teenage demon perched herself on a branch in the middle of the forest.

"Come on, bro bro! Maybe we will find a unicorn!" Came a voice from the distance.

"Mabel Pines!" Belle gasped as a brunette rushed into the clearing below her, wearing a pink sweater with a shooting star on it.

Another brunette followed after her, a book tucked under his right arm. A cap was positioned on his hazel curls, a pine tree printed on the front. He was certainly Mabel's twin brother, Dipper Pines.

"Hey, don't you have a feeling that we're being watched?" Dipper asked his jubilent sister.

Mabel turned, nodding.

"Oh no, they sense me!" Belle whispered under her breath, shifting on the branch.


Belle screamed in horror as she plummeted, unable to use her powers in plain sight of the two mortals who were now staring, shocked, at her.

She landed with a thump, rubbing her sore back. How did Bill find this funny?

"Oh no! Are you okay? I'm Mabel Pines, and that awkward dork over there is my bro bro, Dipper Pines." Mabel spouted, rushing over to the girl, Dipper following with a suspicious look on his face.

"Mabel? This girl seems....familiar." Dipper said, nudging his sister.

"I know..."Mabel murmured. "Like how her whole outfit is centered around one colour scheme."

"And how her hair is blue. And how she seems fairly formal..." Dipper continued.

Belle knew that they probably recognised her features looked similar to her brother's. She was stiff with fear.

"The only person we know that looks remotely like that is.."

"BILL CIPHER!" The twins yelled, glaring daggers at Belle.

Belle gulped.

BILL! Please help!

Her brother responded moments later, sounding annoyed.

I'm on my way.

And with that, everything around the trio turned grey.

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