Chapter 3

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Grunkle Stan was busy standing outside and drinking Pitt-Cola when his great-neice and nephew emerged from the trees, with another preteen, a confused and flustered look on her face.

"Hey, kid! What's with the new friend?" Stan yelled, directing his question mainly at Dipper. "Did you finally get a girl?"

Dippet's cheeks burned, Belle's cheeks doing the same.

" Just a new friend. Can we introduce her to Great-uncle Ford?" Dipper asked, approaching the house slowly.

"Whatever kid. Anyway, what's her name?"

"Oh! My name is Belle Ci........prus! Yeah! Belle Ciprus." Belle said sheepishly, blushing furiously.

"Cool. Your hired. You can start tommorow morning." Stan drawled, opening another can of Pitt-Cola.

"Ummm....okay Mr Pines. Thank you!" Belle replied, following the twins into the shack.

She followed them to a vending machine, curiously watching as they inputted a code and the vending machine moved like a door.

"Come on," Mabel whispered, unhooking the lantern from the wall.

After a while, they arrived in a spaciois study, or at least what would have been a spacious stidy if it was less cluttered.

"Grunkle Fooooord?" Mabel chimed, watching as a figure came out from the shadows.

Without any warning, Belle got a ray gun pointed to her forehead, a man resembling Grunkle Stan staring her dead in the eye.

"Whose body did you possess now, Cipher?" He snarled, Belle almost immeadiatly knowing he was talking about Bill.


Belle gulped, glancing at the gun.

What do you want?

I met Stanford Pines.

Oh! Old Fordsy! And?

He thinks I'm you.

What's wrong with that?

Because he's pointing a flipping ray gun at my head.

Oh well, nice knowing you.


Alright, alright. I'm coming.

The landscape turned grey.

Bill sparked out of nothingness.

"Hey Fordsy, I see you met my little sister!" He yelled, grinning at the old man.

"Bill..." Ford replied, dropping the ray gun, his voice dripping with venom.

"Anyway, enough introductions." Bill said, floating over to Belle. "You know, you need to be punished for not being able TO DO A SIMPLE THING LIKE SPY!"

Bill snapped his fingers, and Belle felt a searing pain burn into her right shoulder.

"For goodness sake, Bill! Are you insane?" She hissed, clutching her burning shoulder.

"Yes." Bill replied simply, as a yellow glow seemed to carve itself in Belle's skin.

"" Belle murmured.

"Awww, I hate you too!" Bill grinned, before Belle passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2016 ⏰

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