Chapter 2

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Bill appeared out of thin air behind Belle, making her feel slightly uncomfortable.

Thank you for coming in your human form.

Belle really was grateful. It would just be plain awkward if she was his younger sister yet she looked like a giant compared to him.

Welcome, Snowflake.

"Pine Tree! Shooting Star! Did you miss me? Admit it, you missed me." Bill announced, Belle sighing at the smug face on her brother's face.


Bill ignored the comment, waiting for one of the twins to break the silence.

Dipper did.

"Of course not! You have been terrorising us all summer! And who is she?"

Bill grinned, floating down to Belle and placing his hands firmly on her shoulders, making her flinch.

"This is my little sister, Miss Belle Cipher. " Bill explained, showing off a Cheshire grin.

What is with you and grins?

Shut it, Snowflake.

" have a sister now?" Mabel asked, Dipper raising an eyebrow as he inspected the poor girl.

"Well, I have to go now...oh! And Belle, if you don't do the mission correctly this time, I'll trade you off to that Gideon character." Bill explained, tipping his hat.

"No! Bill, please don't trade me off! Bill, wait!" Belle yelled as her brother disappeared, the world returning to it's original form.

The girl spun around to see Mabel aiming a grappling hook to her head and Dipper flicking through the book, beginning to chant.

Tears threatened to spill. Belle couldn't help it.

"Please don't hurt me!" She shouted, holding her arms up defensively and collapsing to the floor, tears streaking down her cheeks.

The twins exchanged glances, before Dipper approached the demon.
"We won't hurt you.."

Dipper placed a hand on her shoulder. Belle spun around in alarm, palms alight with silver flames. She sighed when she saw Dipper, the flames evaporating almost immeadiatly.

"Sorry Dip....umm....Pine Tree," Belle apologised, looking up at the preteen.
"Do you really mean that?"

Mabel nodded.
"How about we go to the lake and learn more about each other?"

"T..that would be.....lovely..." Belle smiled, following them hesitantly to the lake.

"And that's my whole life story!" Belle concluded, smiling. It had taken 2 hours, but it was finally over.

Mabel smiled, nudging Dipper playfully.

"That sounds like it's out of a movie! Is it really true?" Dipper asked, realising why Mabel was elbowing him.

Belle nodded, standing up and brushing herself off.
"Well, how about you two?"

"WAIT! What age are you?" Mabel queried, grabbing Belle by the shoulders and shaking her violently.

"I'm 1299 years old. To be exact." Belle replied, Mabel releasing her.

"WOW! You don't look your age!" Mabel complimented.

"That's because in demon years, I'm only 12. Weird, huh?" Belle giggled, watching her new friends' faces as they gasped in wonder and awe.

"Okay! I'm writing this in the Journal, and telling Great-uncle Ford about this." Dipper exclaimed to nobody in particular.

"Hey! You wanna meet our Grunkles?" Mabel asked excitedly, not waitng for an answer before grabbing Belle's hand and dragging her off into the woods, Dipper following in suit.

Demon From Heaven (A Gravity Falls Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now