This is why human dont go to the mansion

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Reiji- Yato there's a gutted human in our mansion
Yato-Oh hey how did he get here
Reiji-Yato what did you do
Yato-what I didn't do this
Reiji-Explain what happened
Yato-Explain,I never seen this person a day in my life
Reiji-why did you kill this person
Yato-I was blood thristy
Reiji-tell me exactly what you did before I came home
Yato-I was sitting in my room,reading a book then this guy walked in
Yato-I ripped his stomach into shreds,and I got very thirsty so I raped him
Reiji-Okay unnecessary to the story but what happened to his hands
Yato-Oh I used them
Reiji-For what
Subaru-Yato why the hell is there cum all over your room floor
Reiji-That's disturbing
Kanota-I know
Yato-Were you here the whole time
Kanota-Pffft no*scoots away*

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