Pitcures be like...

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In this photo this what I think they are saying to each other.

Asuza-Bitch Yuma get your ugly ass rusty,crusty ass hands off of me.Bitch I will cut you.Your hair isn't on fleak 
like mine the fuck your hair look dry you want me to spry that shit...bitch get your ugly ass away from me.

Kou-Bitch I'm so fabulous... But everybody hating on me right Ruki.

Ruki-Boy if you don't shut the hell up Asuza.Damn  I can't even read my fucking Fifty Shades of Gray...The hell I'm trying to get ladies..And y'all to busy fighting..Just calm down and shut up.

Yuma-Your so right.And when we get home.*creepy glare*Asuza your dead..Oh yeah shut your little bitch ass up.

Yato-*walks into the picture* Umm guys how did you get up here.

Yuma- oh hi Yato we are on balloons wanna come up.

Yato-Nah I'm good I'll watch you guys from here *smiles*.

Yuma -*blushes*o-oh good...*smiles while blushing*.

Ruki-*whispers to kou* Funny how Yato's presences made Yuma quite we need her around more often.

Kou-*whispers back*
No no Ruki-sama you have it wrong
Yuma-sama likes Yatty-nee san if you see how he reacts to her around.

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