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Yato- ugh I hate listening to stupid Justin beiber all the fucking time

**Out of no where Harry styles walks in**

Harry- You hate Justin I see that why don't you listen to One Direction

Yato- Your so cute who are you

Harry*smiles* I'm like a right direction,a left direction,a triangular direction... I'm Harry Styles

Yato- *Blushes and thinks aloud* Harry styles, Yato Styles...

Harry- sorry didn't get that

Yato*blushes* nothing

Subaru- *walks in* Yato I wanted to as- Who the hell is that

Yato- his name is Harry styles

Harry-*glares* Do you know him do I have to kick his ass Yato your such a pretty lady

Yato-*hides behind harry* Guys please don't fight over poor old me

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