We Are Not Alone

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"So, you ran?" Tim asked. The four of us were gathered around his table again that night. After I had gotten back to the restaurant after the accident we decided to hold off conversation about what happened until we were together that night. It would not be good, we decided, to talk about our super-powers while sitting at a restaurant.

"Yeah, I ran – pretty fast too. It was kind of cool."

"So does that mean that I..."

"I am sure it does," I finished for him. "You probably also have super strength."

"Sweet!" Timmy smiled.

"You two need to see what you are capable of. Especially if you both have the same powers," Peg said.

I looked across the table as Jess nodded. I had been concerned about Peg's headache at the restaurant, but she looked OK. She didn't look tired, at least not more than normal. She didn't look like she had earlier had a headache that was going to split her head open. I did notice, however, a couple of grey hairs coming from the locks of hair at her temples. Funny I hadn't noticed them before considering how closely we work together. Well, maybe it was the light. With blonde hair it could be easy to miss something like that.

"Yes," I agreed, "We do. I know tonight is supposed to be my and Timmy's turn, but I am a bit concerned about what happened at the restaurant. How you collapsed while you had your vision. I am not trying to get out of Timmy and I being tested or anything, but can we talk about your vision first? If you are going to be in pain to the point where you can't even stand up any more when it happens...well that isn't really a good thing – even it did help save two lives today."

"It's sort of hard to describe. What I saw just burst into my head. I think that is what caused the headache. I could think of nothing else. Everything in my mind was just pushed aside. It wasn't like the dream I had the night before when I saw you lift your car."

"What exactly did you see?" Timmy asked.

Peg thought a moment. "The first thing I saw was the accident scene. I saw a small car and a pickup truck. I could clearly see a woman in the car and a man get out of the truck and try to help her. Then I saw the explosion. It was obvious that they both died. After that, the whole thing sort of went into rewind. I saw the accident scene again, but then I saw you there. I didn't see you do exactly what you described doing. The scene skipped ahead and you were standing there and the people weren't dead."

"So, you saw one thing and then you saw me arrive and it changed. That is very interesting." I thought a minute then added, "But you didn't say anything about a 'rewind' when you dreamt of me lifting my car."

"That's because there wasn't one," she explained. "I saw you changing your tire, your car fell and you caught it."

I looked over to Jess. "Anything at all from you today?" She shook her head. "OK. Well I said tonight would be about me and Timmy so let's get to it. Obviously we are going to have to change our testing methods since it seems likely that both of us have speed and strength. Where should we do this?"

"You mentioned the high school track yesterday. That seems like a good idea," Tim said. "Let's get to it."

We left the table and started walking through the living room to the front door. Suddenly, we were stopped by the TV.

After the break, a man in St. Paul is credited with saving another man who was attempting suicide by jumping from the roof of his office building. How did he do it? He says that he waited at the bottom of the building and caught him. Stay tuned for more, on News 9 at 9.

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