Best Friends and BLTs

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"Bill, it's not your fault." Peg said in a soft voice with one arm consolingly around my shoulders. "There was nothing you could have done."

We were sitting on the couch in Peg's living room. I just got back and she could see immediately that something was wrong.

"Nothing?" I replied, my voice thick. "You sent me there. You had a vision. This is the first time I know of where I, or any of the other men for that matter, have failed in a mission when they were sent by their seer. It's practically documented. We always show up just in time to save the frickin' day. Well a fat lot of good that did for Jack and his family."

I could hear the bitterness in my voice. I didn't want to take it out on Peg, but it just made no sense. I made an effort to calm down – at least to calm my voice down. I felt so tense that I thought I would explode at any minute.

"I mean, what's the use of having the abilities we have if people are going to die anyway?"

"People die all the time – every day. It's sad, but it's true. You can't save everyone." She grinned a little, trying to lighten the mood and added, "You always said that was one of the hardest lessons Superman had to learn."

"Oh, spare me the platitudes," I shot back. "'All those things I can do...all those powers, and I couldn't even save him.' Yeah, yeah. Big deal. Well, I'm not him and this isn't a damn movie. Jason's family is dead! I'm not going to be able to run around the world and turn back time to stop it! They are just gone! Do you understand?"

I saw Peg lean back from me at the force of my words, her little grin fading and her eyes going from startled to sad. I forced myself to calm down again. I took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, Peg. I really am. I know you are only trying to help. But don't you see? It makes no sense at all. Never yet has a 'hero' – and I use the term lightly – failed when sent by his seer. Never!"

"That we know of," she added.

"Right, that we know of – "

"And don't use the term lightly." Peg interrupted. I could hear some heat coming into her voice and lowered my head a little against the assault. "Hundreds of people are alive because you saved them. You saved them. Right now you may not feel like much of a hero, but to those people you are. To the hundreds you have the hundreds more you will save, you might as well be wearing a cape."

"'No capes'," I quoted softly in my best Edna voice.

I raised my eyes and looked up at Peg with a slight grin on my face. I could see her trying to stay angry with me, and it worked for a little while; but she eventually lost that battle.

"Don't you try and be cute with me," she accused with a smile starting to play across her lips. "I can be angry with you if I want."

"Yes, you can. And I've been enough of a jerk to deserve it. You're right – I was feeling a bit sorry for myself; and I have saved a lot of people. But my point remains." I put my arm around her and drew her back to me. "Why did it fail this time, as opposed to any other?"

Peg put her head on my shoulder. "I really don't know," she sighed.

I kissed the top of her head and we just sat there for a minute. And then – proof that the universe has a sense of humor when it comes to perfect timing – the phone rang. Peg sighed and I chuckled as she reached over to pick up the receiver.

"Hello? Yeah...he's back." – A pause – "Sure, that's fine. OK...see you soon."

Peg hung up the phone. "That was Tim. Said he'd be over in a sec."

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