The hidden evil

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V:I want to do it.
G:Do what?
V:You know what...the damn training!
Goku and Vegeta were standing in their living room.It was 3:00 AM and it was really cold outside.Goku was a super saiyan and was only wearing his trunks,while Vegeta was in his combat/usual suit.
G:You asked me about this 2 weeks ago and you keep bringing it up over and over again...I'm just trying to avoid it as much as possible.
V:Oh,whatever...are we gonna do this,or what?
G:Vegeta,you seem really scared of this training...I really think it's best if we don't do it.You really don't wanna fight me,it's too obvious.
V:But I have to...over this year,the gap between us widened way too much,and my training was just too damn soft!
G:*sigh*As you wish,I guess...You wanna do this now?If so,we better get to it.The sooner we start,the faster we'll get over with all of this.
While Goku quickly got out of the house,Vegeta moved slowly to the exit.
G:C'mon,hurry up!
V:Kakarrot...m-maybe you're right.I don't think we should do this.
Vegeta was looking down with a sad face.When he lifted his head,he saw Kakarrot's serious frown.
V:Y-you really don't want to do it,either!So,maybe,it's best if I just train by myself.S-sorry...
The short saiyan rushed back inside.Goku went behind and pulled him by the hair with one hand and grabbed him by the neck with the other one.
G:I'm too fucking sick of tell me now if you want to do this shit,or never bother me again with it!
V:W-what's wrong with you?!W-why the hell are you acting so hostile lately!?
Goku took his hand from his neck and used it to cover Vegeta's eyes.
G:Answer me.Which one is it?
He let go of the short saiyan.
He then rushed outside,flying off to somewhere,leaving Vegeta alone for the next 3 weeks.The short saiyan felt into another strong depression,feeling way too guilty about all of this.He missed Goku more and more as time went on,with him rembering the kind Kakarrot he knew,who turned him into this new person.
One day,Goku entered his living room again(he somehow got his outfit back)and saw Vegeta crawled up on the couch,his eyes being puffy from crying.As he approached him,the short saiyan woke up and looked at him with a sad and angry face.
V:You've never been like this with her,haven't you...
G:I've never had sort of special feelings for Chi Chi,like I have with you.
V(sobbing):...Kakarrot...I'm so,so sorry for everything..It's all my fault,I should've never dragged you into my bullshit life...sorry.
As Goku sat next to him,he picked Vegeta up and held him like an infant.Heavy tears were falling from the short saiyan's warm face.
G:Stop it.Please...I know you have emotional issues,but I just wish you'd understand,I love you too damn much to know that these thoughts are burning your mind...
V:Why did you leave like this...I've missed
G:I wanted to tell about this...
He put Vegeta back on the couch and got up.
G:About 4 weeks ago,I've discovered a new power,one beyond ssj3...ssj4.
V:W-what the...?!
G:Yeah...long story short,that power was so overwhelming,it actually made my energy negative,and thus the reason for why I was so agressive lately.
V:I see...
G:During these 3 weeks,I tried to control this new power,and I still didn't master it completely.The reason I didn't tell you about it was because I knew you'd get worried
V:That does it...tomorrow,we have to train.
G(angered):We talked about this!
V:I know,I know!But now,that you can actually be a ssj4,I'm worse than a joke to you,and I'm too sick of it!Y-you understand me,don't you!?
G:Oh my fucking ignorant retard!
Goku slapped Vegeta's head's back,causing him to feel off the couch.The short saiyan felt too embarrassed to look up.
G:If you really want me to beat the living hell out of you,then fine!I'm so tired of hearing about that garbage!
He rushed upstairs and went to bed,while Vegeta remained on the floor,just shaking.While he wanted to hate Kakarrot so much,he couldn't help but love him to death and back.
The next day,both were fighting as a ssj2 outside.Even though Goku was holding back,he was still heavily dominating.He didn't have as much as a scratch on him,but Vegeta was full of bloody wounds.
G:Is that all you've got?
The short saiyan fired off a Final Flash,but Goku deflected it with one hand,sending it back.Though Vegeta managed to dodge half of the blast,he was still damaged.He managed to get up,but he was heavily panting and his vision got horrible.
V:I...I'm not done yet...
He rushed at Goku and tried to punch him,but the tall saiyan grabbed and stopped his arm before making contact.
G:Vegeta,we need to stop.
V(grunting):N-no,we can't!
G:*sight*Look at you,you're barely breathing,yet you're still trying to attack me?I don't want to kill you,you know...
V:I told you I won't stop,and I won't sto-
Before finishing the sentence,Goku punched him into the stomach,causing him to puke blood and turn back into his normal form.
Later that day,Goku and Vegeta were playing video games.
V:Tomorrow we'll keep training.Got it?
Vegeta let go of the controller and went closer to Goku to hug him.
V:Really...thanks for doing this...
G(smile):Wow,you didn't hesitate at all to show your gratitude this time!I'm impressed,Vegeta!
The short saiyan simply blushed.
The training kept going for 3 weeks,the gap between them getting obviously smaller.
One day,both saiyans were staying at the table,stuffing their face with food.
G:Y'know,I wanted to tell you this,but I never knew you had these cooking skills within you!This food is almost as good as the one Chi Chi made!
V:Guess this is one of those talents you never knew you had...I never thought you'd make that good of a nurse.
After they finished eating,Goku gently grabbed Vegeta's hands.
G:Vegeta...I wanted to tell something...
V:What is it?
G:The negative energy...I still didn't get the hang of it,and I doubt I will do it soon...Tomorrow,I plan on leaving again,to find a fitting spot for trying to channel all of this power.
V:F-for how long will you be gone??
G:I don't know...but it'll take some time...I'm sorry.
V:*sigh*I guess you have to.It's not like you're not putting yourself up to any trouble.You will come back someda.And,hey,I've got all of this strenght problem sorted out,so...yeah...I mean,I guess there's such a thing as being too strong for your own good?Hehe...
Goku could clearly see that he was being nervous.
The next day,Vegeta was alone.

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