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I don't interact with the 1p!s very much, but when I do it is certainly not with my 1p! He is much too boring.

There was one time, though, where I had gone on a trip to the 1p! world to ask Poland something but I ran into the 1p! Nordics on the way there.

Of course, Mathias, being Mathias, invited me out for a couple drinks with them and I accepted because I thought I might take a little break from my daily routine.

I might've had one or six drinks too many because I had an awful hangover the following morning, but according to Markell who had come to get me from the 1p! world, I had pulled Lukas' curl.

Now, the thing about our curl is that it doesn't do anything when pulled. It's not our e-zone unlike the Italy brothers' curls. It simply represents our country's fjords!

So nothing major happened, but I might've gotten slapped for touching him...

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