Excitement in the Air

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⠀⠀From side to side did the cerulean blue gaze scan the scripture. His eyes paced back and forth along the pages of the text. Its mysteries astounded him still, even though he'd read it at least fifteen times. An Enigma was the title of the book he read. It was your average crime novel. The main character killed their brother in an act of self defense, but from the evidence police had found, they had murdered their brother. Now, on the run, they had to prove their innocence and show that their brother wasn't the angel he was cracked up to be.

⠀⠀He was on chapter thirteen when a high pitched squeal lit up the room he was in. "Fennel," he called out, "quiet down. I'm trying to read."

⠀⠀"You're always reading, Storm," Fennel contradicted, leaping into the room, tail wiggling back and forth. The female Bunnelby gave a hearty grin and bounced over, nudging Storm with a paw. "C'mon you big lug, it's two days before Christmas Eve Eve. Let's do something special!"

⠀⠀Storm sighed, shutting his book before realizing he hadn't left a marked. "Great." Standing up on his paws, the Riolu shook his head in an aggravated manner. "You always want to do something, Fennel. Christmas Eve Eve does not actually exist. It's referred to as just the night before Christmas Eve—"
⠀⠀"And all through the treehouse," Fennel cut in with a giggle, "not a creature was stirring, not even a Small Mouse."
⠀⠀Ꭲhat was enough to make the Riolu smile slightly. "Fine, fine," he said. "Let's go for a walk then, shall we?"

⠀⠀"Yippee!" The little rabbit scurried out and through the main room. From there she leapt from branch to branch of the tree and down onto the ground, eagerly awaiting her cousin.

⠀⠀Storm walked over to a small chest and picked up a picture frame. In it was a small picture of a small Riolu with cerulean blue eyes, a brown fedora with a golden aura insignia, and a deep navy blue cloak-like cape, and a shiny Riolu with deep, fiery red-orange eyes and a long, black scarf. They were both smiling and grasping each other's shoulders lovingly. Placing it down with a frown, he looked over at the other photo. This one had a Pikachu with goggles grinning ridiculously and giving up to toes in a V-shape. The same Riolu was there again, in the same attire and slightly bigger. But they weren't smiling in this photo. They stood next to the Pikachu staring off into the distance, right paw on their left arm. A scar also appeared on their right eye. "Zap.."

⠀⠀"Storm, c'mon! You're stalling again!" Fennel complained from down below.

⠀⠀Storm shook his head and shook away old memories. Taking the same route the Bunnelby had taken, he used Psychic to get him down easily without much effort.

⠀⠀"Cheater," she said with a pouty face. "You know all kinds of moves, and I can only do easy ones."

⠀⠀With an exasperated sigh, Storm put a paw to his face. "Since when did you start comparing yourself to me? Long ago when we spoke of this you said you were, and I quote, going to kick my butt."

⠀⠀"Yeah," Fennel said sheepishly, "but that was before I even knew you were a sorcerer."

⠀⠀"Never mind that," Storm continued. "I said we would go for a walk. So let's go."

⠀⠀"Can we go into the city today? Oh pretty please?"

⠀⠀"Fine." With small uttered words, the two Pokémon transformed into humans. Storm was a young teen with dark, blue hair. He still wore his fedora and cape, but underneath the cape was a black shirt with a blue vest shirt and brown pants and black dress shoes.

⠀⠀Fennel had brown hair, which was tied back into two pigtails with a red ribbon on each and cocoa brown eyes. She also had a black shirt on, but had long black leggings and black sandals. Over this was a long, blue, hooded coat with gold lining. "Let's go, let's go!" Grabbing hold of Storm's hand, she dragged him along the dirt trail towards Lumiose City, her breath coming in small white puffs.

⠀⠀Once in the city, Storm made sure to keep a careful eye on the boisterous girl. Fennel could easily slip from your line of sight in the blink of an eye. And she'd already had. "Fennel? Fennel Suana, you get back here this instant!"

⠀⠀The little bell attached to each ribbon jingled softly as Fennel bounced around the city square, looking into every shop window. There were Pokémon plush toys in every window, and even a bakery had Dedenne cupcakes in display. Christmas lights and wreaths and other decor decorated the city. It was a beautiful sight indeed.

⠀⠀"Fennel Suana!"

⠀⠀Storm's voice rang in Fennel's ears, bringing her attention away from a giant Bunnelby plush and to her cousin who was pushing through the crowds of people.

⠀⠀"Don't you leave my side again. It's bustling in this part of the city with Christmas and everything. If you get lost again, so help me I won't take you to city for a month!"

⠀⠀"I can take care of myself, Storm," Fennel said with rolling eyes. "I turned eleven last year. That's one more year than ten!"

⠀⠀Storm only gave an eye roll back and grabbed his cousin's hand. "You've seen everything, correct?"

⠀⠀"Yeah, I guess so," Fennel replied sourly. She did so want to continue her escapade in the city, but Storm was right. It was crazy right now. Things would die down a bit later. Besides, there were things to plan. "Well, let's get back to the treehouse," she announced. "I've got to get working on your gift."

⠀⠀"Ꭺs do I," Storm agreed. "Good decision." The two began their way through the crowd and back to their home in the forest. It may have been four days until Christmas, but things were still undone.

⠀⠀"Merry Christmas!" A man called out, ringing a bell and handing out free chocolate samples. He was right. It would be a merry Christmas indeed.

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