A note from the author

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Hello everyone! (=ω)

Ally here, and Merry Christmas to you all! Although I'm late, I did post this short little Christmas special on my Instagram, located in my website, throughout the days leading up to Christmas.

Now, for those who might still be interested in A Shocking Storm: Times of Innocence and Silence Is Everything: Heiwa's Journey, I have had terrible writers block for those stories, and I just can't think of how to continue them. I apologize sincerely for those who want to see another chapter. I'm working hard to entertain anyone with other short stories or one-shots.

Well, enjoy this Christmas special, and I hope you have a wonderful New Years as well! Who knows? Perhaps I'll write a quick little one-shot for you guys for New Years. ^=w=^

What's even better, is that a lot of you may know that Storm Kaminari, my Riolu and main OC, is distant, isolated, and sometimes cold. In this story, you see how he can open up to family and friends, and show his warmer, more innocent side.

Also, for a little teaser, I added bits and pieces (okay, and a tiny spoiler) you might discover from a couple stories I'm working on. I won't say what they are, but see if you can find and identify them and the story they belong to by commenting at the line or paragraph. (^o^)

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