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Alright! So you're confident for school, you're prepared....well sorta. That's why I'm here to teach you about MS fashion!

A lot of 6th graders make the mistake of wearing something flashy or boring. If you want to fit wear something dressy and unique that way people will remember you for you're style. If you're a sporty girl wear an outfit that consists of a high ponytail or loose braids, a cute jersey and high waisted shorts.
For a nerdy/hipster girl wear your glasses(obviously...)wear your hair up in a low bun, wear a short sleeved turtle neck sweater and some demin jeans. For a girly girl put on a black and white stripes shirt with skinny jeans and pair those with converses.

Throughout the week don't dress up too much or you'll appear desperate and attention-wanting. So keep it sweet and simple!

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