Workout Tips

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Dedication: @sf_mistry
Disclaimer: I am not a professional dietician, body  builder, or a doctor. (Shocker right? ;)) I'm just an angsty teenager who enjoys running, playing tennis, and aiming to be fit. Therefore, whatever advice I give out may not work for everyone but this is what has worked for me.

Ok so before we start I just want to list a few reasons to workout or to try to eat healthier in attempt to help motivate you all.

1. Working out is scientifically proven to make you happier.
Yep. So basically by working out a chemical called an "endorphin" is released in your brain to help fight off stress. Which in return leaves you happy after your workout.
2. You'll be more confident.
If you constantly workout you'll start to feel more confident, because you'll start to realize how much of a happier and overall better person you're becoming.
3. You'll be more healthy (obviously).
I kid you not...after the first month of working out you'll see a significant difference in you're emotional, mental, and physical state. I promise you that you'll be more comfortable with seeing yourself in the mirror.

So those were my top 3 reasons to work out and start going on a diet or to eat healthier. But of course there are countless more reasons out there that are probably better than the ones I listed. So feel free to do some research if you feel the need.
Here's a long list of 45 reasons...

Anyways now onto the important tips and advice for you all!

TIP #1
-Workout regularly/develop a habit or routine
Ex.Set an alarm, reminder, or add a calendar date on your phone
TIP #2
-Find motivation to workout
Ex.Create a Pinterest fitness board,watch YouTube videos (Blogilates, Abby Pollock, etc.)
TIP #3
-Workout because you love it
If you hate working out try different things to add to your workout to make it more enjoyable.
Ex. Play music, do it with a friend/family member, get inspiration,etc.
TIP #4
-Buy cute, comfortable, and affordable workout clothes to keep you motivated and feeling more confident.
TIP #5
-ALWAYS have a positive mind-set while working out. I promise you that you'll start to love doing it, and soon enough you'll be addicted to working out.

These are my top 5 tips for working out. But I just want you to all remember that you're beautiful, and no one can ever truly take that away from you. You are gorgeous...seriously. Now I want you to do a favor for me please...Stand in front of a mirror...look at yourself and repeat after me. Ok you're looking right? No seriously don't look at me(the screen)! Look at YOU! Now repeat...
I love you. Even though sometimes you can kind of be awkward and embarrassing. But you're human and so is everyone else you know. So it's okay to make mistakes because everyone does. I love you. You are so f*ing gorgeous even when you're having your bad days. Every bad day brings an even better day in the future. So just remember that 'patience is key' and that things will get better soon enough I PROMISE.
Now go kiss the mirror...

Actually I'm joking...please don't do that. Someone could walk in and then you'll look like a complete narcissist.

Wow great job. You're making your readers look like female versions of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. Pfff. "A Girl's Guide to Middle School"
More like...uh...uhhhh "A Girl's Guide to Failure" *mic drop*

Ugh...ignore inner conscious is so judgmental. What a hater. Moving on...

Thank you so much for reading. And thank you if you're still here even after I haven't written anything for months. I really appreciate your patience for me. I'm going to spam you guys soon with some quick chapters, so please let me know if you want a spam of quickie little chapters. Or perhaps you prefer me to write long detailed and in depth chapters every once and a while. I know that school is coming in a month of so, or sadly it might already be here for some of you guys (rip). Before school starts I will definitely do a huge spam of advice chapters. In that case make sure to leave suggestions in the comments for me, and I'll make sure to give you a shoutout in the beginning of the chapter. Without further ado thank you once again and I'll see you all soon!


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