Chapter 3 ~ So Much Fun

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So this is a very short chapter! Basically just a fill in so you guys are aware of what happens next.


I can't lie Star knows how to have sex. Justin Combs taught her well, I can say. So basically it's Friday. 'King Double D' told me that the place was damaged bad and not to come back until Monday or so. Yeah yeah. I went home obviously. But while in the car I was thinking about sex with Star and Beauty. Star's is sex but Beauty's is like making love. Oh well, she got her little mans so I'm going to leave her. Don't want to get involved with anything y'know.

I got home took a shower and put on blue sweats a purple tank top purple and blue Adidas. I put on a blue bandana. I slipped my Samsung galaxy S4 into a purple case. I grabbed a bag and put in and extra outfit for later body wash, body lotion, perfume, a reusable water bottle. If you didn't guess by now I'm going to the gym. Baby needs to get her work out on in the gym. Not in the bed. 😏😉

In the car Versace by Drake ft Migos played. I cracked that up.

'Versace Verscae

Medusa is on me like

I'm illuminati.'

This is my soonnnngggg. I bopped my head all the way to the gym. When I got into the gym, I saw Babydoll. Probably only one of the OMG I never had sex with. 😒But I'm still going to say hi.

'Haii Babydolllll' I said

'OMG! Haha. Delilah! I missed you so much girl.' Said Babydoll

'Yeah! You here to work out?' I asked

'Yah! Lets work out together and catch up.' I nodded my head. Babydoll is ALWAYS full of life. She knows how to have a good time.


In the change room


After a five hour hard ass work out I went into my car and got my clothing. I went to shower up.

'BOO!' Screamed Babydoll

'FFUU- YOU SCARED ME!' I yelled.

'Hahahahaha. You should of seen your face!'

She's lucky I never had my gun I could if shot her, and seen her lifeless body dead on the ground. 'Yah don't do it again.'

I went to take a shower and Babydoll asked me to use some of my vanilla body wash. I gave her some. She left before me, we of course exchange numbers and planned to meet up at 7:00 p.m. It's 5:30. I quickly put on my outfit. I put on my high rise black skinny jeans and a white and pink floral top which I stuck in my pants. I wore my black heel boots. I slid my phone in a black case and carefully put it in my back pocket, since my hair got wet its back naturally curly I quickly but a headband over and added a light amount of make-up.

Not knowing why I dressed up so classy today? Oh yeah did I mention, Babydoll & I are having a girls day out which means dinner, nails, then Ice cream. Got to look good. I quickly got home and got my light pink Gucci bag put my thing in and I was at iHop by 6:40.

I sat at a table then I saw Babydoll coming in this red heels black high rise booty shorts with a black & red top. She went natural with her hair I guess. She brings a red Prada bag. We exchanged hugs and sat down ordered and ate.

I was having fun my 7:20 we arrived at a nails salon that closed at 9 or 10:30. I got a French tip for my finger and for my toes black and white nail polish. Babydoll got purple fake long nails and purple, white & black nail polish.

Later on we went to Dairy Queen. I was having a blast with Babydoll. Who knew one person can make you have so much fun.

'HAHA! OMG!' I said laughing

'Where you at boy?' You both said at the same time then burst out laughing.

'I'm having A LOT of fun!' Said Babydoll.

'Me to!' I said

'So said it had to come to an end!' Said Baby sighing.

'Hay? Here's and idea want to come and sleep over my house I have some extra clothes I never touched you can borrow?' I said with excitement!

'OMG YESS!' She said. We we're off to my house with her car behind mine.

Little did I know something I can't control will happen.


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