Shall We Dance (Gray x Reader)

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First shot, YAY!!! Apologies if this sucks, first try after all. 


You were at a ball. You had no idea why you were here. You were bored to tears. Of course, it had seemed like a good idea when your friends asked you to go, but they promptly went off with their dates to dance. You were just sitting in a corner watching the festivities.

You held a wine glass full of water in your hand. You started to unconsciously swirl around the water with magic. You wiggled your fingers and suddenly found yourself holding a glass with a beautiful ice sculpture of two people dancing.

You sighed inwardly, waiting for something, anything to stop your eternal boredom. You had always been quite the daydreamer.

You got startled out of your thoughts when you heard someone call out your name. You looked up to see your best friend Gray in front of you. He smirked at you, noticing the glass in your hand.

 "You're really bored, aren't you?" He said. You just glared back at him. 

" I'll take that as a yes. Well, I've got a cure for boredom, dance with me," he said, stretching out his arm for you.

You hesitantly grabbed his arm, a slight blush on your cheeks. You had found yourself developing a slight crush on him for quite a while now. You tried not to think about it.

He led you over to the dance floor, and you started to waltz.  {*Insert Description of Dancing here. i have no experience}. You quite miraculously found yourself enjoying dancing with him. Soon, you both got tired, and decided to take a break and sit down. 

You both had fun for a while, then as all parties do, this one ended. You were about to leave with your (very drunk) friends. You quickly ran over to Gray, giving him a quick hug. "Thanks for making this insufferable party worthwhile!" You said, blushing quite a bit, making you glad he couldn't see your face. " You're welcome, (Y/n)," He replied, making your face go even redder. 

You pulled away, kissed him on the cheek, and ran to catch up to your friends, leaving a stunned, blushing Gray behind.


Woohoo!! Done with that. Sorry for pathetic endings!! I'm terrible at them :( 

Also, since I didn't mention, i will be doing boyxboy and girlxgirl. And also Male x Fem!Character. No guarantees for quality of any of the 3!  

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