To Fight For (Natsu x Reader)

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Slightly more angst-y. At least that's what I'm aiming for. Sorry for the beginning, i just sorta filled in the blanks because the middle-end part was what I had in mind



You sat in a train, feeling an intense wave of nausea roll over you. You were a water dragon slayer, and like all other dragon slayers, you had the unfortunate problem of motion sickness. 

"(Y/n), how much longer till we get there?" That would be Natsu. The pink haired fire user looked like he was going to throw up. You were going on a quest with him. You had to fight this cave monster which was bothering a small village near Port Hargeon  (Lol, only place i remember from the show).  It seemed to be an easy job, but the pay was high so you both decided to go.

Soon, you reached Hargeon, and got off the (evil) train. The village itself was a 15 minute walk from the port. You both decided to not stop, and make this job as short as possible.

You entered the cave. You suddenly cringed as you smelt the intense sent of blood and rotting flesh, with your heightened dragon slayer senses. 

"This is a bad sign. Not many monsters leave a smell like this," you say, slightly nervously.

You went forward quite a bit, till you got to a fork in the underground passageways. "You take the left path, I'll take the right?" said Natsu. You nodded in answer. "If you see the monster, just shout out. We should be able to hear each other."

You went down the left pathway.As you scanned the area, there seemed to be no signs of life. 

Thunk. You spun around quickly, taking in the monstrous sight of the demon you had to face. The demon itself seemed to be from the Book of Zeref. Surrounding it were several smaller minion demons. You realized this job should have been done by a team of 10, not 2. 

"NATSU, I THINK I FOUND THE DEMON!" You screamed. But before you could say another word, three smaller minion demons lunged at you. You reacted quickly, casting an attack spell, "Water Dragon's Roar". The creatures leaped out of the way, with only one of them getting hit. You cursed under your breath.

You realized you had to find a tactic to win this fight. The demons were small, and agile, their attack power wasn't that high, their abilities rather unimpressive. 

You had been fighting for 5 minutes now. You could feel your strength slowly sapping.  Where the hell was Natsu?  You needed someone to help you, or this fight would soon end.

Your mind had slipped into battle mode, where you quickly and efficiently sorted out  your thoughts and actions. Casting spell after spell, you nimbly jumped and dodged their countless attacks. You suddenly felt a burning pain on your shoulder. You quickly shot back a counter-spell, then gave yourself a few seconds to asses your injuries. Your shoulder was hit by some kind of poison attack. You realized that this kind of attack couldn't be healed by any type of simple water related healing magic you knew.

You looked up to find that you had finally defeated all the minions. You decided to attack the main demon. It was a stupid decision. The demon had ice magic, one of the only types of magic water based magic was fairly useless against. The demon threw attack after attack at you, and soon you found your magical energy so low that you could probably get only one more attack in. 

Suddenly, you realized the demon was launching yet another attack. You couldn't summon the strength to move, and put out a water shield. The shield broke within seconds, and sent you flying into the hard cave wall behind you. You could feel a couple of your ribs cracking with the impact, putting spots in your vision. You struggled to stay awake for a few more seconds, then shut your eyes, fully knowing that it could be the last time you did.

*~*~*~Time Skip~*~*~*

You opened your eyes slowly. At first, all you could see was white. You realized it was just the ceiling.  Wait, my ceiling is blue!  You panicked slightly at this realization. You tried turning your head, grimacing at the sharp pain in your neck. You saw a half-asleep Natsu looking out of the window. Your thoughts cleared slowly. You realized you were in the Guild Hall's  infirmary. 

"Natsu? What happened?" The pink haired mage turned around, a look of relief on his face. He quickly came over to you. "(Y/n), you're awake!" "How nice of you to realize. Can someone explain why i have this massive headache? And why am I in the infirmary?" You tried to remember what happened before, and slowly started getting answers.

"(Y/n), How much of the job do you remember?" He started cautiously. "Never mind that. We ran into some demons during a job, and you got badly injured. You passed out towards the end of the fight. I managed to kill the demon, and get you back here. We weren't sure you were going to make it! "

"Yeah, I remember bits and pieces of that."

"You're going to be remembering, and healing, slowly. You've got 3 broken Ribs, a fractured arm, 2 sprained legs, a very bruised back and a mild concussion. And those are just the ones I remember!"

"So a few months of pain then?"


You sighed. 

"But (Y/n)..."


"Please don't ever scare me like that. I was really afraid you were going to die! I like you a lot, and i couldn't bear it if you died on me!" The words tumbled out of his mouth in a rush

"I like you too Natsu. A lot. And I'm sorry I caused you so much worry!" You said, a slight blush forming on your cheeks.

You tried leaning over to hug him, then winced in pain caused be the action. "Maybe we'll leave the hugging to another day, then?" He asked, laughing


phew that was long. like 1000 words long. please do go ahead a request your oneshot, cuz i really need ideas here. comment, vote, read whatever. 

Next Chapter: whenever i get inspiration (probably tomorrow or day after)


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