Chapter 21

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Everything was quiet around Riot, she felt weightless and strangely she couldn't breath, but she didn't panic. She really couldn't remember where she was or why it was so cold, she'd have to get her mom to turn up the heat...if she was at home. 

"Wake up." A faint voice suddenly whispered, making Riot jolt with the sudden surprise, although the movement was sluggish. She shivered when she felt cold everywhere, she really wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep but her whole body felt sore. 

'I am awake, aren't I,' Riot questioned

"If you were awake, you'd know where you were." The voice whispered again, this time making only her hand jolt this time. "Which you might want to hurry on waking up, I can't keep you alive." 

'What do you mean?' Riot asked but suddenly she started to feel her lung start to burn, she wanted to take a gulp of air but something told her not too. 'I can't breath underwater.' Riot thought, as sudden as that thought was thought, everything came rushing back. 

Ice green eyes snapped open suddenly only to see the darkness of the water, she looked up to see the sun threw the water. Luckily she wasn't that far from the surface, but the urge to breath was getting harder to maintain, but a flash of pink out of the corner of her eye made her turn her head. 

'I must be insane now,' Riot thought as she stared at a phantom looking wolf, it's fur was a glossy black which was harder for her to see if it wasn't for the hot pink stripe down it's back and the glowing ice green eyes.

"We are not insane," The voice once again whispered, but slightly louder now that she was awake, that made Riot's eyes widen. "I am just the part of you that was hidden deep, I wondered if I were ever to awake." It said as it suddenly shot towards Riot and disappeared into her, which made her ice green eyes glow as she started swimming to the top. 

~Meanwhile with Lucas and Lily~ 

Lucas had shifted back into his human form and had dragged Cody from the top of the cliff to the beach side part, his hand gripping Cody's shoulder so hard that it would break skin if his moved the wrong way. His heart heavy with sadness and anger, there was no way that a human could survive that fall. 

'How can one girl change everything in such a short period of time?' Lucas wonder as he continued to drag Cody, Lily helped the still injured Joey. Lucas could see that most of the hunter's had fallen or was being held down by Lucas's wolves, Ivy and Leo holding Todd and Caleb in front of them. When Ivy looked at Lucas in question, all he could do was look at the ground ashamed that he couldn't save her.

"You should have known that it would have come to this Ivy, the war between our kind is unstoppable." Todd said looking up at Ivy with those same ice green eyes that she had.

"That's where you're wrong." Everybody's head turned to look at Lucas's dad who was staring down at his with cold eyes. "The war may not have ended with her, but she may have been the start of it ending." He growled

"What will we do with them?" Lily asked looking at her father and everybody else did too, he took a deep breath and squared his shoulders.

 "We'll let most of them go, sense they had nothing really to do with the kidnapping of Riot; Todd, Cody, and Caleb on the other hand we'll take to the elders and see that they want us to do with him." he motioned for a couple of wolves take them away. Ivy and Leo were mostly silent as they talked until they lead Todd, Caleb, and Cody away, then they looked at Lucas and Lily.

"What happened?" Leo asked calmly, both Lucas and Lily stared a hesitated look but Lucas took a deep breath and launched into the story of when they arrived at the tree line. When Lucas finished everybody was looking at the ocean below the cliff, the waves crashed against the rocky wall which made Lily's eyes fill with tears again at the horrible death that Riot suffered. 

But everybody was surprised when they suddenly heard a slash, a large gasp of air, and then coughing, a lot of coughing. Everybody spun around to stare in shock as they saw Riot, soaking wet and with a little sea weed stuck to her, coughing up water on the beach. The first two to snap out of their trance was Ivy and Leo, they quickly made their way over to their daughter. 

"Riot, are you alright?!" Ivy cried as she hugged her daughter tightly, which Riot just returned as furiously as she blinked in confusion and shivered from the cold water. Lucas, Lily, and their father just watched from where they were, not daring to interrupt the family

"I'm fine," She whispered hoarsely from coughing up water, her black hair was stuck to her face as her eyes were still hazy and confused. 

"Honey, you can't be fine. You just fell from a cliff and was unconscious in the water for a good ten minutes, maybe more." Leo said as he gently grabbed Riot's face, he met her tired ice green eyes.

" care dad," Riot said as her eyes drifted close and her head fell limp to the side. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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