Chapter 11

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~Riot's POV~ 

I sighed as I ran around the town, I was skipping school. I just couldn't go there when Lily was in some weird kind of coma, my black and hot pink hair was in a high ponytail, I had my jogging pants and shirt on. Yes I really run from my problems, this is the longest I've run, I left my house at 4 in the morning to run and I'm still running from my problems, it was 1 in the afternoon. I closed my eyes and breathed in deep, that's when I felt something slam into me, I fell to the ground hard. Making me scrap my arm.

"Ow, what the hell?" I yelled holding my arm, I blinked back the tears.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I looked up to see a boy alittle bit younger then me, he had shaggy brown/blonde hair and bright brown eyes, almost looked like amber. I stood up, 

"Yeah I'm fine, just a scrap." He looked at me like something hit him in the face, if he kept looking at me like that he is going to get punched in the face.

"What the fuck are you staring at?!" I snapped at him, he shook his head.

"Oh my God, your Riot Alexander." He said in shock. I blinked at him.

"Yeah I'm Riot what about it." I snapped, then that little boy no younger then me, hit me in the head. I was dazzied, confused, and really FUCKING PISSED OFF! 

"I'm going to FUCKING KILL YOU!" I said punching him in the face, he growled at me and lunged at me. That's when things got alittle weird, his teeth started growing sharper and his nails grew too. 

"You can't kill me, I may be younger then you but I am stronger. You, Ivy, and Leo left the family! NOw you must die!" He growled, he lunged at me but I moved out of the way, what the hell was he talking about? Left the family, we didn't leave anybody.  

"What are you talking about." I yelled swinging a punch at him, but he cout it. He smirked at me.

"I am a hunter, your mother was a hunter, your father? He's a mutt, just like your little boyfriend and his sister. To bad that bullet I shot at him didn't kill him." He said before he hit me in the head again,   I was so confused. A hunter? Mommy was a Hunter? Daddy a mutt? That's when everything went black.

~Lily's POV~ 

I sat there, in the darkness, repeating old anime shows and books out loud. Mostly Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, Case Closed, Fruit Basket, and Warriors. That's when a bright fog, and I mean bright! I was fucking blind! I blinked a few times and then looked at the fog as it slowly got unbrighter. That's when I saw Riot being attacked by Hunter.

"Riot!" I screamed standing up. Tears filled my eyes, my best friend was getting attacked by a Hunter. Why was she getting attacked by a Hunter? Was it because of her and Lucas? That's when another freaking bright light glowed.

"What the hell is up with all the bright lights?" I yelled rubbing my eyes, that's when the thing in the bright glowing thingy started talking.

"No Lily, it's not because of you and Lucas. It's because of her." I looked at the talking thing, which was a wolf, and god it was beauiful. It was a dark blue/black with glowing dark blue eyes, it had thick, soft, silky fur.

"W-who are you?" I asked, I fell back down. I still understand! The wolf slowly walked up to me until her nose was touching mine.

"I am you LIly, I am your wolf."  

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