9: Cravings

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Even though it was the middle of winter all you wanted was ice cream. The brand and flavor didn't matter as long as you had it available to you at a moments notice. This time around it happened to occur at three in the morning. You laid in bed trying to go to sleep but you just couldn't get it out of your mind. You eventually gave in to your craving and got up to go settle it.

"(Y/N)?" Harry questioned.

"I'm sorry Harry I didn't mean to wake you," you whispered.

"What are you doing up?" He asked, "Is everything alright?"

"You're going to laugh at me if I tell you," you sighed.

"Try me," he dared sitting up up bed.

"This baby wants ice cream," you explained, "Really, really badly."

He let out a chuckle and got himself out of bed.

"Lay back down," he kissed your forehead, "I'll be right back."

You sat down in bed and a few minutes later Harry returned with two bowls, two spoons, and a carton of ice cream. He sat down and spooned out bowls for the both of you.

"You are the best," you told him shoveling a spoonful into your mouth.

"Anything for my babies," he smirked.

You walked downstairs and the smell of coffee hit your nose. Niall stood in the kitchen with a cup in his hand.

"Morning princess," he greeted.

"Good morning," you said, "Is that coffee?"

He looked down at the cup in his hand. He had forgotten you couldn't drink it and automatically felt guilty for making it.

"I want it so badly," you whined, "I've been craving it for days."

As a college student you lived off coffee and it had been weeks since you'd had any.

"I know I'm sorry," he apologized, "But you know it's not good for the baby."

"I know," you sighed, "I just can't get it out of my head."

"You don't need it," he assured, "And I don't need it either."

Her poured his cup down the drain and placed it in the sink.

"I think we can both go a few months without it," he explained wrapping his arms around you and resting his hands over your stomach, "At least until this little one is here."

Before you were pregnant you hated everything about peanut butter, the texture, the taste, the way it stuck to the roof of your mouth. For the past few days you couldn't get enough of it. You walked into the kitchen to satisfy your craving when you made the discovery that you were out of peanut butter.

"Liam," you called, "We have an emergency."

He came running into the kitchen, fearing that something was truly wrong.

"Whats going on?" He asked, "What's the matter?"

"We're out of peanut butter," you explained, "And these babies really want it."

He laughed at your answer and went to grab his jacket and keys.

"I'll be right back," he said walking out the door.

He returned not too long later with a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread. The two of you sat down on the couch and enjoyed peanut butter sandwiches together.

"Good?" He questioned.

"Yes," you nodded, "Me and these babies thank you very much."

You cravings were very odd and changed day to day. Today was by far one of the weirdest.

"What is that?" Louis questioned referring to the food you had on the plate in front of you, "It looks disgusting."

"Stop it," you laughed, "It's not nice to make fun of me."

"Really though, what is it?" He asked.

"Cheese dipped in chocolate," you explained.

"I don't think I will every understand these cravings," he chuckled.

"I don't event understand them," you giggled, "I can't really explain it. I just see something and I need to have it and no matter how weird the combination is it always tastes so good."
Enjoy! Next part will be "The Bump."


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