Chapter Nineteen

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Batpaw stood outside the apprentice den, pacing back and forward. He couldn't wait to start training with Spiderweb! Dawn was only just beginning to break, and even the birds were still asleep. He had woken up early to get as much training in as possible. I don't want Hazelpaw to become a warrior without me. He thought. There was movement from the warrior's den, and Batpaw raised his muzzle hopefully. The scent belonged to Hailforce. He must be leading the dawn patrol. A few more cats followed Hailforce. Flaxclaw, Leafspots and Greybird. But no Spiderweb.

"Hey, Batpaw,"

Greybird whispered in a friendly voice.

"Do you want to join us? I can wake Spiderweb, if you like,"

For a moment, Batpaw wondered how she knew of his new mentor. Sandystar hadn't bothered to announce it to the clan this time. However, Greybird was one of Spiderweb's closest friends, so there was no doubt that she had told her. Batpaw nodded.

Moments later, Greybird returned, with Spiderweb close behind her.

"Mornin', Batpaw,"

Spiderweb whispered.

"Almost morning,"

Greybird corrected her friend with a purr. The patrol moved silently out of the camp. Batpaw had pretty much mastered climbing the wall of the gorge, but found it hard to forget his first day as an apprentice, when he found himself stranded halfway up for all of SkyClan to see.

The forest was quiet, aside from one magpie, who was angrily squawking at the sun. Batpaw could hear Leafspots's low growl.

"That bird will be breakfast soon,"

The tom sprinted off. Leaves rustled as Leafspots climbed the tree in a few swift bounds. There was a shrill squawk as he brought down the magpie and gave it a killing bite.

"Shall I take this back to camp?"

Leafspots asked. Batpaw understood that the question was for Hailforce. The patrol leader must have given some positive indication, because the tom then said "I'll catch up with you," And headed back towards the camp.

Leafspots had rejoined the patrol well before they reached the border. The birds were well awake now, chattering non-stop. Batpaw walked into Hailforce's out-stretched tail. He sniffed the air. There was an odd scent about it...


Hailforce hissed. Batpaw stiffened. That was what he could smell! A terrifying memory entered his mind. He imagined being picked up by a twoleg again, and taken away.

"We must report to Sandystar immediately,"

Hailforce turned around, quickening his pace towards the camp. He ran down the gorge, where Sandystar was grooming herself outside her den. Batpaw wanted to follow Hailforce, but Spiderweb stopped him with an outstretched paw.

"We don't all have to go,"

She meowed. Batpaw nodded understandingly.

"How about I teach you to hunt?"

Batpaw's eyes lit up. He felt a spark of excitement ignite inside him at the thought of actually serving his clan.

"Yes please!"

He meowed happily. Spiderweb purred. She lead her apprentice out of the camp once again. They walked through SkyClan's lush territory until they reached a secluded clearing. Birdsong was abundant here. Batpaw breathed in the welcoming scent of moss and oak trees.

"Okay, let's start with your jumping skills, so you can catch a bird as it takes flight. Gather some moss for me. Just a few balls,"

Spiderweb instructed. Batpaw tipped his head to the side. Was this her way if making him gather bedding? He wondered, but obeyed his mentor. Batpaw clawed a few pawfuls of moss from a nearby tree and brought it back to Spiderweb.

"What's this for?"

Batpaw asked.

"I'm going to throw it into the air, and you can pretend it's a bird and catch it,"

Batpaw nodded, but inside was confused. This sounds like a game for kits! Spiderweb waited for Batpaw to get into position. She tossed a moss ball high above Batpaw's head. He heard it spiralling towards him and jumped, reaching up with one paw, barely grabbing the moss ball.


Spiderweb meowed encouragingly.

"But next time, reach up with both paws. It will give the bird less of a chance,"

Batpaw understood. Spiderweb tossed another wad of moss over his head. He leapt up, this time outstretching both paws. He felt the moss fly easily into his claws. Satisfaction was through him, and he heard Spiderweb's proud purr.

"That was perfect! The birds don't stand a chance!"

She called.

"Now, are you ready to go again?"

It was almost sun high by the time the two cats started heading back to camp, but to Batpaw, it felt like no time at all. He trailed Spiderweb back toward the gorge, until she stopped. Batpaw walked into her tail.

"There's a bird,"

She whispered. Batpaw sniffed the air. She was right, of course. A pigeon! It obviously hadn't noticed them yet.

"I'll go around to the other side and scare it toward you,"

Spiderweb continued.

"You can jump up and catch it, like you've been practising,"

Batpaw nodded. Spiderweb slunk off into the bushes, barely shaking them as she moved through them. Batpaw dropped into a crouch. The pigeon let out a shrill squawk. It's wings disturbed the air as it flew over Batpaw's head. He leapt into the air, reaching out with both paws like Spiderweb had shown him. The bird's wing snagged Batpaw's claws, and he and the bird fell to the ground. Batpaw lost his grip on the bird, and it flapped it's wings, taking of in a slow, uneasy flight. Spiderweb exploded out of the bushes, digging her claws into the pigeon's spine. She pinned it to the ground and looked up Batpaw.

"I believe this is yours,"

Spiderweb purred. Batpaw walked over to his mentor and bent down to the pigeon, snapped it's neck in his jaws. I did it! He thought. Even if Spiderweb had to hold it down for me.

"Well done,"

Spiderweb congratulated her apprentice.


He mumbled around his catch.

"Let's go back to camp. Then you can get yourself something to eat. You worked well today. I'll make a warrior of you yet!"

Spiderweb joked. Batpaw purred.

"Thank you, Spiderweb. For everything,"

"You're very welcome,"

The two cats turned back towards the camp, Batpaw's pigeon held proudly in his jaws.

Warrior Cats: SkyClan ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now