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Here's the book cover I made for Empherality! Here's the first  part of her story: As I sat in the dirty window ledge looking out past the meadows and the farms everything seemed not to have a care in the world but I couldn’t help but think he was dead. Sure of course my mom says he’ll come back, after all he loved us right. But I know better than anyone she’s just trying to convince herself of that as well. It was the same thing when dad died in the accident and she was put in the wheel chair she tried to make it seem like everything was okay and that dad was still alive not barred 6 feet under gone forever. Why my brother just got up and left was beyond me. I know he had to live his like but how could he just leave, leaving me and mom how? The thoughts and solutions came from everywhere, was he kidnapped; no he packed and called once only to say his final goodbyes telling us not to look for him because he wanted to start a new. What heck was that supposed to mean. ‘Well mom I really don’t want to care for you and Maeve so I decided to abandon you, bye’ thanks a lot Sam I love you. with that I leap from the dusty window ledge and stretched legs I ran the hayloft opening and jumped down. It’s a good thing cats always land on their feet. I scurried across the long grass that was about 20 years overdue from being cut. I shifted into a beautiful sandy cougar I ran as fast as my legs carried me past the old paved road over the little creek that made its way towards Lake Huron. I headed into the forest making myself almost invisible thanks to all the brush and trees; I was hidden from the world here no distractions no. The forest was so tranquil this time of day no noise made its way past the canopy of leaves that almost blocked out the sky. I laid down under a large maple tree, my eyes started to close and sleep to hold. Suddenly I awoke to a gunshot, and the yells of men coming closer and closer. I could hear the forest warning the animals of the danger and the threat they posses. I disided to flee, I’m not going to become some floor rug. I shifted into a blue jay a small target and not an animal to hunt. I took off, my wings flapping ferousouly I need to get home. Suddenly another gunshot fierd followed by yells of victory. Looks like another animal speices closer to extinction. I climb out of the tree house and walk through my patio door into a white room with baishe leather couches and on old tv the ones with the ‘box’ on the back. On the walls hung oictures of the family before all the shit happened. Its hard to tell when you see your dad and brother smiling so big then think about the accident and the abandonment. My mom was sitting in her wheel chair facing the front window just staring into what seemed like an abis, like she always did. “Hey mom what would you like for dinner?” I asked in an upbeat tone trying not to reflect my mood. “Whatever you make is fine with me dear you know I love your cooking.” she responded in a hush tone that was quieter than a whisper.

Sooo if you liked that part I suggest you should read her book, you should also follow her @ashton15 while your at it(:

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