What Are You Doing?

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2 Months Later


"Toni stop I can't keep up"! Brittany whined. "Well maybe if you would be exercising instead of looking in your new boo face 24/7 you could keep up". I said laughing.

"Girl I know no one is perfect but damn he's very close". Brittany smiled wide and blushed. "So when are we going to go on a double date so I can drill your new boy toy". I laughed.

"Never. I can't have you and Kenny run him off just yet". Brittany shrugged. "Why not? "You guys have spent everyday together what haven't you done". I asked.

"Well you know". Brittany grinned. "Girl stop lying I would had thought by now he cracked the code to the safe since he's so perfect". I rolled my eyes.

"I'm trying that Steve Harvey 90 day rule thing". Brittany smiled really hard. "No comment see you tomorrow"! I jogged off heading into my house.


"Toni is that you"? I yelled through the house. "Yeah. What do you want"? Toni peeped around the corner smiling. "Get dressed in something casual and be ready in 30 minutes". Ken said looking at me.

"I don't understand why it takes you so long Toni".

"Because I loose track of time when I'm getting ready. I had to take a shower and do my hair". Toni smiled. "Well you look amazing so lets head out". I said opening the door.

"Ken where are we going?" Toni asked for the 50th time. "Baby it's a surprise now just ride." I grabbed Toni's hand and kissed it.

"We're here"! I looked at Toni. "Yay you brought me to Coney Island. I want to get on every ride"!

Toni and Kenny had a blast at the amusement park. It was starting to get dark so they got on the Ferris wheel and then headed home.

2 Weeks Later

"Hey Kenny what are you doing here"? Brittany smiled. "Well Tone's birthday is in 2 months and I want to do something for her. I need some help and ideas". I said walking into Brittany's house.

"Well she hasn't really said much about her birthday yet. I'll see if I can get something out of her on our morning jog". Brittany said laughing. "Great thanks for all the help". I hugged Brittany then left.


These last couple of days Ken has been so sneaky. He's always on his laptop and deep into his phone. Every time I come around he hides it and acts so suspicious.

"Toni did you hear me"? Brittany repeated. "Huh? Umm no I didn't what did you say"? I quickly snapped out of my thoughts. "Never mind don't worry about it lets change the subject". Brittany laughed.

"The year is going by so fast in a little while it'll be Thanksgiving. Brittany said side eyeing Toni. "Oh really? So my birthday just goes unnoticed"? I glare shocked.

"Oh I forgot about that. So what are you going to do"? Brittany asked. "I have nothing planned yet. I would like something fun with my friends and family". I shrugged.

"Ok. I guess. Bye". Brittany jogged off waving.


I'm so tired of this girl. All she does is talk and giggle. She's more annoying than Amber. It's been almost three months I think it time a make my move.

"Brittany I think tonight we should stay in and hangout". I quickly stated. "Ok". Brittany replied back happily.

"Okay umm can you pick me up my car is giving me trouble". I hesitated. "That's no problem Jamon I'll be there at 7"! Brittany said excited.

"Great. I'll be waiting beautiful.


"Ken I'm going to the store right quick"! I yelled from the kitchen. "Okay. Be safe I love you"! Ken yelled back. "Love you too"! I said closing the door.

"She's gone come over right quick". I texted Brittany.

2 seconds later Brittany ranged the doorbell and I quickly answered.

"Hey Kenny. I have some good news and bad news. The good news is that she wants a basic party. The bad news is we know that's a lie". Brittany laughed.

"So do you have anything in mind"? I questioned clueless. "How about a "I Love Lucy" party. We can dress up and everything"! Brittany said excited.

"That's a great idea! Thank you so much! You're a life saver"! I hugged Brittany.

"Ken I'm ba..." Toni looked at us shocked. Brittany and I both pulled apart and looked at Toni. "Well here's the flour you wanted". I handed Brittany the container as I was doing it I could feel Toni staring at me.

"Thanks. Bye you guys". Brittany said nervously while leaving.

The room was silent as Toni started to put the groceries up. I was scared as fuck simply because she was so quiet. She finally turned around and I saw all the pain and hurt in her eyes.

"Tone it's not what you think". I walked towards her. "I highly doubt that Kenneth". Toni said walking past me. "How did we get on first name basis? I didn't do anything wrong"! I yelled.

"That's what Jake used to say all the time". Toni snapped back. "I'm nothing like that bitch". I answered back. "I can't tell. This is how it started out with him. First he was keeping secrets, then came the verbal abuse, finally he started physically abusing me"! Toni yelled with tears forming in her eyes.

"Baby you have nothing to worry about. I promise you that". I said pecking her lips. "Uh huh whatever don't play with me or else". Toni walked off rolling her eyes.

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