Chapter 1: Anything but usual

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Abby's POV-

You never think it will happen to you. One moment your having your regular cup of coffee in a regular mug on a regular Saturday and the next you get the call. The call that nothing will be the same and your slapped in the face with the reality that you won't be able to have that regular day anymore. All of sudden everything is turned upside down and your not sure which way is up or if your even yourself anymore.

"Abby where's my lunch?" My dad said frantically tidying his button up shirt. I threw him the brown paper bag from across the room and he swiftly caught it. "Thanks bud," he said winking at me.

"Abby where are my glasses?" My Mom said ducking her head under the couch to look for the missing glasses. "Here mom," I said throwing her the glasses. "Thank you honey," my Mom said coming over to me and giving me a quick kiss on my forehead. "You guys are gonna be late!" I said hurriedly ushering them out the door. My Mom and dad gave me one last hug and a quick 'I love you' before quickly running into their car.

It was a Saturday morning and my parents had an emergency meeting with their clients about a new product that could apparently "change the company's future." As usual I helped them get ready and as usual I hurried them out the door just in time. But this day was far from usual.

After I had gotten my parents out the door, I made my coffee and sat down to watch dance moms when the phone started ringing. I quickly jogged to answer the call before they hung up.

"Hello?" I said a little timidly. I hadn't recognized the number but I assumed it was one of my parent's clients calling to schedule a meeting or something.

"Is this Abby Bancroft speaking?" I heard a man's voice say. I could hear loud sirens blaring in the background and I started to get nervous.

"Y-yes who is this?"

"This is the Luke with the police department on the phone and I'm very sorry to inform you that your parents have been severely injured in a car accident. They are being hospitalized as soon as possible and I can assure you they will be in good hands." The coffee I was holding dropped to the ground and the mug shattered across the floor. The hot liquid spilled all over my pajamas, but I didn't care.

"Thank you for telling me sir I greatly appreciate it," I said desperately trying to hold back the stinging tears that had welled in my eyes. "I'll be at the hospital soon." I hung up the phone and didn't even bother changing out of my coffee stained clothes. I grabbed my keys and jumped into my car, hoping desperately that everything would be ok.


My hands where shaking so bad I could barely grab my purse. Somehow I managed to collect myself and get out of the car. I looked like I had just gone dumpster diving. I was wearing my old bunny slippers and my coffee stained pajamas. My hair was not brushed yet and it was sticking out from all angles. I tried my best to brush all the negativity out of my mind and then I quickly walked to the entrance of the hospital.

"Are you Julia and Robert Brancroft's child?" A nurse who was holding a clip board said with a soft look on her face. I nodded not trusting myself to speak from fear that I would break down and cry. "Follow me dear." I followed the nurse down a long hallway and it seemed like ages until we reached a door that said room 467B on it. I shakily turned the nob and gasped at what I saw.

My mom and dad were on side by side beds. They both had many cuts and bruises on their faces and they were both unconscious. I couldn't help it any longer and tears ran down my cheeks. I grabbed both of their hands and sat on the hospital floor holding them and sobbing. The Nurse slowly walked over to me and helped me off the ground. "Doctor Clemmings will be with you shortly dear," the nurse said softly before turning and leaving the room. I collected myself and wiped the tears from my cheeks just in time for Doctor Clemmings to come in.

"Abby. Please sit down," the doctor said twisting his mouth up in a concerned way. I gulped not wanting to hear what he had to say.

"Abby, I'm not sure how to say this." My world was already shattering into a million peices. " your parents. They- they won't have much longer I'm afraid. They both suffered serious injuries to the head and it's very unlikely that they will recover. I'm very sorry."

That was when my life changed from normal, regular, usual to exactly the opposite.

I smoothed over my black dress and took one last long look at myself in the mirror.

"Are you ready?" My cousin said popping her head through my door. I nodded my head and ran to hug her.

"Your parents loved you so much and their death doesn't change that," my cousin said brushing a tear from my face.

It had been a few months after my parents had gotten into the car accident. My cousin Lilla had come down to attend their funeral with me.

My cousin softly grabbed my hand and we walked out the door.


"Where will I go? I don't have a home anymore," I said hugging my cousin tightly.

"With me. You'll stay with me until we can find you a permanent home," Lilla said tightly gripping my hand.

"Thank you Lilla,"


A/N- Yay! First chapter is out!! Keep reading, vote, comment, follow

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