Chapter 3: There's a Reason Why They Put BAD In the Name

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"My name is Ben. Ben Storm," he said grabbing my arm so I couldn't leave. His eyes were gorgeous. Mesmerizing. I couldn't stop staring at them.

Wait Ben Storm? I've heard that name before. He was the one that Lilla said was hosting the party! So wait... That means that he lives in this house. Holy crap the bad boy's my neighbor!

"Um... Are you ok?" He said smirking. It was then that I realized I had been staring at him without saying a word.

Your so stupid Abby he probably thinks your clueless.

"Yea! Yea I'm totally fine I'm just um..."

"Checking me out?" He said smirking again. My face turned red and I prayed that through all the smoke he couldn't see me blushing.

"Yea. I mean no! No! I just have to go. I'll see you around." I said awkwardly.

You're so dumb Abby!

"Goodbye princess," he said shoving his hands in his pockets.

Hm princess... Nobody's ever called me that before.

But yet again Ben wasn't like anybody I've ever met before.

Shut up Abby you just met him! Ugh, God I'm such a creep.

"Bye Ben," I said waving. I was suddenly lurched forward by Ashlee grabbing my hand and running. "Hey slow down! What was that for?"

"It was for flirting with the most sought out guy in California!"

"W-what?" I said still thinking about Ben and how he had saved me.

"Ben! Mr. Bad boy! The one that practically killed somebody to save you!" She yelled frantically.

"That's a little over dramatic. He was just being nice."

"Nice? Nice!? Are you serious Abby!? He called you 'princess' he obviously has the hots for you!"

"The 'hots' for me?"

"He likes you!"

Likes me? No guy has ever liked me before.

Well my old school was an all girls school but that's beside the point.

Who am I kidding he could never like me.

"You think a lot don't you?" Ashlee said catching me by surprise.

"Yea. Sorry-"

"You also say sorry a lot. You need to stand up for yourself more, girl!"

"I'm not the kind of person who stands up for herself."

"Well you should be. You can't just let people walk all over you."

"I have to go. It's late. I'll see you around," I said waving goodbye to my new friend and jogging back down to my house.

When I reached my house Lilla was already waiting at the door.

"How was the party!? Did you meet any hot guys!? Did u get drunk!? Did u have sex!? Did u meet any hot guys!?" Lilla said practically pouncing on me.

"Um... Good, yes, no, no, yes," I said responding to her questions but then I just realized that I said yes to her second and last question. Her eyes grew as big as saucers and wordlessly she grabbed my hand and practically dragged me into the house.

" Everything," she said grinning. I started off by telling her about meeting Ashlee and then the creepy blonde guy who kissed me and then finally about Ben and how he saved me from the creepy blonde guy.

"OMG!!!!" She squealed jumping off of the couch and giving me a hug. "You have a crush on a bad boy! Abby Bancroft! A crush on a bad boy! I never would have guessed."

"Wow, wow slow down I don't like Ben," I said defensively standing up.

"Yes you do! The way you talk about him!" Lilla dramatically flopped down onto the couch. "And then he saved me!" She said imitating my voice in a love-sick-puppy kind of way.

"Hey! I do not talk like that!" I said laughing.

"Why did you leave the party so early! You could have stayed with Ben!" She said jumping up again from the couch.

"He's not exactly the kind of person I want to hang around. He's kind of scary if you ask me."

"Scary!? I thought u liked him!"

"He's just so intimidating! He is a bad boy after all. There's are reason why they but BAD in the name."

(An hour after Abby had left the party)

I couldn't stop thinking about her. She was adorable and sexy but totally innocent. Her pale skin, wavy brown hair, and light blue eyes were all amazing to look at. Her name was light and cute, like her. But she seemed scared of me. No girl has ever been scared of me. I can't let her be scared of me.

"Ben! Pay attention to me!" Claire screeched trying to grab my face and kiss it. I would normally take the invitation to kiss her but right now I didn't want anything to do with her. I had to find Abby. I pushed Claire off of me and walked into the bathroom locking the door. I pulled out my phone to call Lilla Aldaine. She is a real estate agent and my neighbor. Maybe she would know who Abby Bancroft was, or if she lived in the area.

"Hello? Ben?" Lilla said somewhat surprised.

"Hey sorry to bother you Lil, but I'm looking for a girl I met today at my party. Her name is Abby Bancroft. Do you know if she lives near by?"  I said into the phone hoping she could help me. I heard Lilla giggle and a series of muffled voices before she responded.

"Actually if you want to walk over here, I think I might be able to help you." Lilla said quickly. I could hear a buzz of excitement in her voice like she knew something that I didn't.

"Uh yea sure thanks," I said hanging up the phone and quickly exiting the bathroom.

The walk to Lilla's house was not very long because we live right next to each other. Once I had reached her pealing yellow door I softly knocked on it. I heard a scuffling of feet and what I thought to be at least two female voices but then it became silent and the door slowly came open to reveal Abby herself. I stumbled back a little, surprised to see her at Lilla's door. But then I remember Lilla telling me that her cousin was going to be living with her for a while.

Oh my god Abby is my neighbor!

Abby looked absolutely adorable standing there. She was wearing little pink fuzzy socks and black running shorts with an oversized pink sweater that was bigger than her hands and came off her shoulder a little bit. Her silky hair was swung up in an effortless bun with a white headband to hold it in. She looked to be about ready to go to bed but she still looked stunning.

"B-Ben?" What are you doing here?" She said trying to hide her small body behind the door. I just wanted to go up and kiss her but I didn't want to scare her.

"I was actually looking for you." I said walking a little more towards her. Her blue eyes grew wide and she squirmed uncomfortably under my gaze. "I just wanted to know that you were ok after what happened with Tyler. To make sure that I didn't scare you or anything."

"I-I'm fine thank you."

The way she stuttered nervously around me was so adorable I couldn't handle it.

"Good. Well goodnight, Princess," I said waving and backing up off of the front porch but not keeping my eyes off of her.

"Goodnight Ben," she said smiling a little as her face turned slightly pink. I smiled and put my hands in my pockets as I left her house and she closed the door. Somehow, I was going to make her mine. Abby Bancroft will be mine and only mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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