Chapter 2: Meeting Ben

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"Welcome to California!" Lilla said enthusiastically as she pulled into the driveway of her house. Her house was an ugly pale yellow color. The paint was peeling and the black shutters where crooked and broken. There was a large tree tucked off in the corner of the yard and a large tire swing was hanging off of a thick branch.

"Do you like it?"

"It's perfect," I said getting out of the car. I lugged my suitcases out of the trunk of her little pink buggy and dragged them up to the front of the large red door. Lilla took out her keys from her pocket and let us in to the house which I was very great full for because it was sweltering hot outside.

"Let me show you to your room Abby," Lilla said taking some of my suitcases out of my hand and helping me up the stairs. We soon reached the top of the stairs and came to a stop at a baby blue door. Lilla swung the door open with her free hand to reveal a room with baby blue walls and a giant Winnie the Pooh sticker hung over the yellow bed in the center of the room. There was a closet to the right of the bed and two large white drawers to the left of the bed.

"I hope it's okay. I know Winnie the Pooh is a little young for you but I couldn't get it off the wall and I thought well maybe if-"

"I love it. Thanks," I said setting my suitcases down next to the archway of the door.

"Abby. Sweetie don't look so forlorn. You can't spend the rest of your life mourning. Here take this," Lilla said running over to my closet and taking out a pair of cute Jean shorts and a flowery crop top. " there's a party tonight at the neighbors house. A boy named Ben Storm is hosting it. I know I'm supposed to be your legal guardian and all but I want you to experience your life in high school. So take this outfit, go meet a hot guy, and get wasted girl!"

"Uh... Partying isn't really my kind of thing. I'd rather just stay here," I said nervously.

"I'm not letting you! You need to make friends!" Lilla said firmly. "Now put this outfit on, let me do your makeup and hair, and go to the party for heaven's sake!"

I had no other choice but to obey Lilla. Reluctantly I grabbed the outfit and went to go get changed.


"You look stunning! Oh there are condoms in my bathroom you should probably take some just in case-"

"I'm fine. Thank you Lilla," I said as my face turned red.

"Ok have fun Abby!"

I waved goodbye to Lilla and then reluctantly walked down to the neighbor's house. I could hear the sound of loud music and screaming. My least favorite thing. Yea yea I know what your thinking, I'm a lame girl who likes to read books instead of getting drunk with a boy. Yes. That's completely true.

When I walked into the building the first thing I saw was a boy and a girl having a complete make out session. I tried not to gag and continued further on into the house. It smelled like beer and smoke. I sat down on a chair in the corner next to a girl who was drinking a beer and surprisingly reading a book.

"Um... Excuse me? Hi I'm Abby Bancroft." I said extending my hand to the girl.

"Hi nice to meet you," she said closing her book and shaking my hand. "Is this your first party?"

"Is it that obvious?" I said laughing nervously.

"Well considering you came over here to talk to me and not to go make out with a boy, you must not be from around here. I'm Ashlee Rossi," she said smiling. "Do you want a sip?" She said holding up her beer.

"Oh, no thanks. I-I don't drink," I said. She probably thought I was a complete loser.

"Oh me neither! It's water," she said laughing slightly.

"Then why is it in a beer bottle?" I asked.

"They ran out of cups. So do-" Ashlee was cut off by a tall guy with spiky blonde hair and almond brown eyes walking up to us.

"What's you're name princess?" He said to me, slurring his words together. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he was going to collapse onto the ground at any moment.

"Um... A-Abby," I said trying not to make eye contact with him. I froze in complete terror when in one swift motion he grabbed my arm, pulled me out of my chair, and kissed me with his alcohol breath and all. It was disgusting. I tried to pull away but he held my back and I couldn't escape. At that moment I wished I was a confident badass who could stand up to scum like him, but that's not who I am.

"Tyler get off of her!" I heard a husky voice say. The next thing I knew the blonde was pulled off of me and a boy with perfectly messy brown hair and a face that could have been sculpted by God himself punched him in the gut, sending him to his knees. I stood there in shock, Wanting to thank the gorgeous guy who had just saved me but also being terrified of him because he could really throw a punch.

"You ok?" He said coming over to me.

"I-I yes... Thanks... I mean... Um... I'm so sorry," I rambled looking at his piercing grey eyes. He chuckled and then smirked at me.

God that smirk. He is so hot.

Shut up mind.

"So you're new here?" He said still smirking.

"Yea," I managed to squeak out. I mean you can't blame me for being scared of the guy. He was a lot taller than me, I just saw him beat some guy to the ground, and he had the classic bad boy look. He was wearing a leather jacket and there was a cigarette propped up in his mouth. If that's not bad boy, I don't know what is.

"You got a name?"

"Yes. Yes I do." I stuttered out.


"And what?"

"What's your name?"

"Oh yes of course! I knew that um... Yea my name is Abby. Abby Bancroft."

"Nice name." He said with a smile.

Wow his smile is so hot.

"Thanks kitten," he said smirking.

"Huh?" I asked snapping out of my daze.

Oh dear god did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did," he said smiling even more.

"Um well I have to go... Ya know... Do stuff so see ya," I said hurriedly grabbing Ashlee's hand and trying to run out the door before being stopped by the gorgeous guy himself.

"My name is Ben. Ben Storm."

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