Dirty Blonde

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Stiles P.O.V
I awake on a bed, groggy, I try getting up but quickly side against it once my head begins to spin.

"Hey, Tommy. How ya doing?"

I muster up some strength to look at the owner of the voice, soft brown eyes and dirty blonde hair greet my sight.

"You sure went bonkers yesterday didn't you? You crazy shuck."

"Where am I?" I ask, moaning as I try moving my head.

The dirty blonde gives me a funny look, "The glade, where else?"

"The what?"

"You must have hit your head pretty hard, huh?" he says chuckling.

As I begin to get up dirty blonde stops me, "Hey, hey. Easy there Thomas. You're in no shape to be moving right now."

"Stop calling me that!"

"Why are you acting so bloody strange, Tommy?"

"I'm not Tommy!" I throw my legs over the bed, immediately barreling into dirty blonde.

"Thomas, you're weak. You need to rest." he urges, leading me back towards the bed.

"Where's Scott? Lydia? Where are my friends?!"

Dirty blonde pats my shoulder, "Thomas just close your eyes."

His voice begins to drift, and I almost believe that I'm dreaming.


Okay, is it just me, or does Dirty Blonde sound like a strippers name?

Also chapters are gonna be a lot longer than this, I promise. I'm just getting started, but leave comments and tell me if you're liking the story.

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